uikit helper ui
Base skeleton of MVVM+C helper for quick creating simple screens. Views defined in view model, also with behaviour and functionality. Doesnt need to create storyboard or viewcontroller at all.
4 types of screens:
- classic tableView controller (tableView)
- tableView controller with fixed footer at the bottom (tableView)
- sticky bottom footer with top body content (stackView body)
- sticky bottom footer with middle body content (stackView body)
- for all types there is possible to set fixed top content
- preparation for pagination for tablesViews
- preparation for top banners
- preparation for bottom snackbars
- preparation for skins
- etc..
First step is to create Uni view controller and viewModel and set viewModel to view controller. ViewModel has to have footerType.
let myVC = UniViewController()
myVC.viewModel = ExampleUniViewModel(footerType: .classicTableFooter)
// present / show / push / whatever view controller
then ViewModel
import Foundation
import UIKit
import MPUIKit
// viewModel has to inherite from UniViewModelBase
class ExampleUniViewModel: UniViewModelBase {
private var tableView: UniTableView?
private var footerType: UniViewController.FooterStickyType
init(footerType: UniViewController.FooterStickyType) {
self.footerType = footerType
override func bindInputs() {
input.viewDidLoad = { [weak self] tableView in
self?.tableView = tableView
private func viewDidLoad() {
// setup navigation title on the screen
// you can setup top sticked views if needed
self.output.topStickedItems?([UniTitleView(text: "top sticked items. in this example it's title view")
// setup main content. tableItems has header view and rows. So it's [(UniViewWithInsets?, [UniViewWithInsets])]
tableItems = [
(UniTitleView(text: "SECTION HEADER 1"),
[UniTitleView(text: String.random(length: 40)),
UniTitleView(text: String.random(length: 70)),
UniImageView(image: UIImage.init(systemName: "trash")!, size: 35),
UniTitleView(text: String.random(length: 40)),
UniTitleView(text: String.random(length: 40)),
UniTextFieldView(title: String.random(length: 10),
didEndBlock: { string in
return string?.count ?? 0 > 2 ? "error!" : nil
UniButtonView(button: UniButton().title(String.random(length: 10))
.tapAction { [weak self] in
// you can show view in main content (tableView or stackView)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5, execute: { [weak self] in
// you can show snackBar via output
self?.output.showSnackBar?(String.random(length: 40))
let bannerConfig = NotificationBannerConfig(
title: String.random(length: 30),
icon: UIImage.init(systemName: "info.circle.fill")
// you can show banner with it's config
UniButtonView(button: UniButton().title(String.random(length: 10))
.tapAction { [weak self] in
// hide banner
// refresh or relaod or show main content
// this is special output for footer views.
.stackView(items: [
UniTitleView(text: String.random(length: 40)),
UniButtonView(button: UniButton().title(String.random(length: 10))
.tapAction { [weak self] in
let bannerConfig = NotificationBannerConfig(
title: String.random(length: 10),
icon: UIImage.init(named: "Info-filled")
// you can set navigation buttons as you want. it's a array of navigation items.
self.output.setNavButtons?([UINavigationItem.NavButtonModel(type: .close(.dark), position: .right),
UINavigationItem.NavButtonModel(type: .backButton(.gray), position: .right)])
You can check UniViewModelBase Output struct and see what everything is possible and what you can use.
There is possibility to create any kind of view and use it in viewModel. It's just on your imagination.