Code for ODSC Ukraine 2018 workshop Feature Engineering for NLP.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Python 3
- spacy>=2.0.9
pip install -U spacy
- spacy models for the English language
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
- scikit-learn==0.15.2, numpy>=1.8.2, scipy>=0.13.3
pip install -U scikit-learn
- jupyter
pip install jupyter
The data folder contains:
- lists of adjectives and adverbs extracted from the English Wiktionary (see
- a data set of 20,000 sentences extracted from The Blog Authorship Corpus
The aux folder contains a script for extracting the data set from The Blog Authorship Corpus.
adjective-vs-adverb.ipynb contains a simple prototype for the task of correcting confused adjectives and adverbs:
- How do we change adjectives to adverbs and vice versa?
- What features distinguish adjectives from adverbs?
- Where do we get data?