A Telegram Filter bot (Especially for movie groups) differed with its mode of operation.
- A Super group and channel need to perform the bot function.
- Members who send file names will search by the bot in channel and send the media to the member personally (as PM)
- Group members doesn't have access to the channel directly.
- Group will remain safe as the chat doesn't contain any media in it.
- If in an emergency, Authorized admins can delete entire group messages in
- Users don't have access to the main channel will help to avoid copyright infringement
- Medias will only get from bot as pm only when asked in the Movie group.
- Absence of media in the group will help to avoid copyright infringement.
- Medias won't get from bot in direct PM (Except a vulnerability - Pros can find it.., lads keep playing..)
- Finally, filter objects doesn't need to be added in the bot as the bot is searching in realtime with the key-word.
TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get from @BotFather
APP_ID - Get from my.telegram.org
API_HASH - Get from my.telegram.org
TG_USER_SESSION - Run any userbot session maker(https://repl.it/@ayrahikari/pyrogram-session-maker)
CHANNELS - List of Channel ids (Starts with -100) seperated by <space>
AUTH_USERS - List of Autherized user ids separated by <space>
GROUP_U_NAME - Username of the group to tag in sending medias
/cleanchat - Delete all the messages in Group (Only done by AUTH USERS)
- Create a bot using @BotFather.
- Add the bot to Supergroup where bot need to do the function.
- After adding the bot to Group, disable 'Groups' in @BotFather (Else, Someone will do the same in another Group 😂)
- Get APP ID and API HASH from my.telegram.org.
- Add the bot to channels and Group as necessary admin rights.
- Create a string session file with admin user exists in all the channels & Group.
- Deploy the bot in Heroku / VPS
- Send a message in channels where bot need to fetch. (Can delete the message after.)
- It's all done. See the magic in Groups 😍
Create config.py with variables as given below (Refer sample.config):
class Config(object):
TG_BOT_TOKEN = "134448596:AAEIyo3EBVCN3qdd3TfrmQUxoI-eZVGvmI"
APP_ID = int(123635)
API_HASH = "1a417dd4fdf3ead2819ff35641daa16b"
CHANNELS = [-10012233245, -100883635533]
AUTH_USERS = [1134455567, 9244566948]
# ------------- Optional ------------- #
GROUP_U_NAME = "@my_group_name"
Run the following:
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py
SpEcHiDe for his DeleteMessagesRoBot