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Chad Mazilly edited this page Oct 7, 2015 · 2 revisions

UES enrollment tries to be as automatic as possible by running as a Moodle Scheduled Task. The module will generate reports, validate that its running, reprocess errors, and perform manifestation during the enrollment process.


  • Run Adhoc: Should UES need to be run manually, an option does exist. Simply run the task as "adhoc" and it will be queued to run as soon as possible (based on the server's cron settings). Note: if the scheduled task has been disabled then this utility will run regardless, however, if the process is currently running then this adhoc task will fail.


  • Process by Department: If this option is enabled, then UES will process enrollment information by department instead of section. A provider may not have this method implemented. Check at the bottom of the UES settings for information about the chosen enrollment provider.
  • Currently Running: This setting is set by UES when the enrollment process starts and unset when the process finishes. This setting exists to prevent overlapping UES processes. Should something terrible have happened during the process, an admin can manually unset this setting for the next scheduled run.
  • Grace Period: This setting also exists to prevent overlapping UES processes. UES will need to wait this amount of time (in seconds) before being allowed to run again.
  • Error Threshold: Should any errors occur during previous enrollment processes, UES will try to automatically reprocess the errors with the given error state. This setting will limit the number of errors it can process automatically.
  • Email Logs: At the end of the enrollment process, UES will email the execution log to all system admins. This log is lengthy, and could potentially occur daily, so some system admins might want to opt out of getting this type of email. Regardless of this setting, an error log is sent to each admin.
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