Fork of haseman's CAL++
This is CAL++, library for efficient use of ATI CAL with C++. The library consist of 2 main parts. First is C++ wrapper for CAL and second is implementation of OpenCL like language for efficient coding of CAL kernels.
CAL++ library depends on boost library ( ). To generate build files cmake is used ( ).
INSTALLATION ( Windows + Visual C++ )
Install AMDAPP SDK ( )
Install cmake ( )
Install boost ( ) ( CALPP examples require data_time component )
Ensure that enviroment variable AMDAPPSDKROOT points to ATI APP SDK directory.
Sometimes there is problem if directory in AMDAPPSDKROOT doesn't end with '\'
Start cmake-gui. Choose CAL++ directory as source code path and build the binaries path.
Press Configure ( select Visual Studio as generator ).
Press Generate
Start Visual C++ and open CALPP project file. Compile examples using build command.
INSTALLATION ( Linux ) Install AMDAPP SDK ( ) Install cmake and boost.
Ensure that enviroment variable AMDAPPSDKROOT points to ATI APP SDK directory.
Sometimes there is problem if directory in AMDAPPSDKROOT doesn't end with '/'
Go to CAL++ directory
From command line enter commands
cmake .
( optional ) make install
OPTIONAL INSTALLATION Just copy content of include directory to appropriate destination ( on Unix /usr/local/include/ ).
- C++ wrapper for CAL ( file include/cal/cal.hpp )
This wrapper closely reassembles OpenCL C++ bindings. There are some minor changes to better match CAL library. All classes reside in cal namespace.
- at the moment only error reporting by exceptions is supported.
- function Init() must be called before any CAL function is used.
- function Shutdown() must be called at the end of program execution.
- CommandQueue::enqueueMap* is changed to CommandQueue::mapMemoryObject, also there is map, unmap method in Memory object
- CommandQueue::enqueueUnmap* is changed to CommandQueue::unmapMemoryObject
- CommandQueue::enqueueReadBuffer, CommandQueue::enqueueWriteBuffer are removed ( doesn't make sense to use them with CAL, but if required could be emulated with use of Map/Unamp and memcpy )
- CommandQueue::enqueueCopyBuffer is asynchronous to the kernel execution
- CommandQueue::enqueueNDRangeKernel( Kernel& kernel, const NDRange& global, const NDRange& local, Event* event = NULL) is used to execute compute shaders.
- CommandQueue::enqueueNDRangeKernel( Kernel& kernel, const NDRange& global, Event* event = NULL) is used to execute pixel shaders.
- CommandQueue::enqueueTask,enqueueNativeKernel,enqueueMarker,enqueueBarrier are removed ( no support with CAL )
- CommandQueue::enqueueWaitForEvents renamed to waitForEvents ( due to change in functionality - enqueue waits for events after previous tasks in queue are done, waitForEvents starts waiting without any delays )
- CommandQueue::waitForEvent added ( waiting for one event )
- no Platform class ( doesn't make sense with only ATI CAL ), new Context class is simply created with 'Context(CAL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)'
- Program::disassemble( std::ostream& out ) added ( for emiting ISA code )
- kernel name argument in the class Kernel constructor must be "main" ( CAL doesn't support different name ).
- class Kernel handles allocation and initialization of constant buffers ( based on data from setArgBind functions )
IL kernel doesn't have explicit list of kernel parameters ( opposed to OpenCL ). This is why we need to do explicit bindings. To do this class Kernel has following methods.
- void setArgBind( int index, const std::string& name ) binds argument 'index' to IL register 'name'
- void setArgBind( int index, const std::string& name, int cb_offset, int cb_size=0 ) binds argument 'index' to constant buffer register. Name must be 'cbX' ( X=0..14 ), offset is position in bytes from start of cbX buffer, size is argument size in bytes
The binding must be done only once after kernel creation.
Example: _kernel = Kernel(_program,"main"); _kernel.setArgBind(0,"g[]"); // binds argument 0 to global buffer _kernel.setArgBind(1,"i0"); // binds argument 1 to input register 0 _kernel.setArgBind(2,"i1"); // binds argument 2 to input register 1 _kernel.setArgBind(3,"i2"); // binds argument 3 to input register 2 _kernel.setArgBind(4,"i3"); // binds argument 4 to input register 3 _kernel.setArgBind(5,"cb0",0,4); // binds argument 5 to IL constant buffer 0 ( position 0B, size 4B ) _kernel.setArgBind(6,"cb0",4,4); // binds argument 6 to IL constant buffer 0 ( position 4B, size 4B )
after this kernel arguments can be initialized the same way as in OpenCL
// _C,_A0,_A1,_B0,_B1 are Image2D classes
- C++ to IL compiler/generator
This is set of templates which allow to convert C++ code directly to CAL IL.
Basic types Any operations on basic types will be converted into coresponding IL code.
type list: uint1,uint2,uint4 - vector types with 1 to 4 components, each component is 32 bit unsigned int. int1,int2,int4 - vector types with 1 to 4 components, each component is 32 bit signed int. float1,float2,float4 - vector types with 1 to 4 components, each component is float. double1,double2 - vector types with 1 to 2 components, each component is double.
basic types swizzle Component selection can be done by using swizzles. Difference beetwen CAL++ and OpenCL is that swizzle must be ended with ().
Examples float4 v; float1 a; float2 b;
v.x() = a; a = v.z();
v.xy() = b; = b;
b = v.yw();
v = v.yzwx();
Invalid type detection Any operations with invalid type are detected at compilation time. This is done by using BOOST_ASSERT macro. If C++ compiler shows error in cal_il_* header and the line contains BOOST_ASSERT then probably you have made some error in your CAL++ kernel.
Examples: float2 a; float4 b;
a = b; <- this will cause compilation error;
Advanced types variable - template friendly IL variable value - class which represents IL literal ( example: value(1.,2.), value(1) ) named_variable - allow to use special IL registers ( example: named_variable("vWinCoord0.xy") ) input1d - maps to input register. Constructor takes id of input register (0 for "i0", 1 for "i1"). Assumes that input register is binded to CAL 1D image. Image value can be accessed by [] or () operators. Example: input1d input(0); float4 v; float1 position;
... // all following instructions do the same v = input[position]; v = input(position);
input2d - maps to input register. Constructor takes id of input register (0 for "i0", 1 for "i1"). Assumes that input register is binded to CAL 2D image. Image values can be accessed by [] or () operators. Example: input1d input(0); float4 v; float2 position; float1 px,py;
... position = float2(px,py); // all following instructions do the same v = input[position]; v = input(position); v = input(px,py) v = input(position);
indexed_register - maps to special IL register with ability to index ( the name of register is given as argument in constructor ). Indexing can be done by [] or () operators.
Example: indexed_register temp_array("x0"); uint4 v; int1 p; int offset; ( normal C int )
... // following code do the same temp_array[p] = v; temp_array(p) = v; // offseting by some const value temp_array[p+3] = v; temp_array(p+3) = v; // reading v = temp_array[p]; v = temp_array(p+10); // using C int to offset v = temp_array[p+offset]; v = temp_array(p+offset);
global - this is indexed_register mapped to global buffer ( g[] ) lds<basic_type> - class which allows accessing LDS. Constructor takes LDS id as argument. Operator () and [] allow accesing LDS data.
Compare operations Any variables of the same basic type can be compared ( <,>,<=,>=,!=,== ). The comparison result is of uintX type. In C++ comparison result type is bool. But quite often result of vector comparison is used as the mask to bit ops. This is why uintX has been chosen as output type.
Bit operations. Bit operations |,&,<<,>>,~ are available. Type returned by operators is the type of first argument. The second argument should be of uintX type. Bit operations for floatX and doubleX are supported ( this is not the case in OpenCL ).
basic types casting Functions convert_typeX are available. Also template friendly version cast_type(...) is available.
bits casting Functions as_typeX are available. Also template friendly version cast_bits(...) is available.
logical operations Logical !,||,&& are available. ! converts 0 to all bits 1, and any non 0 value to all bits 0. || and && are implemented using coresponding bit ops.
IL flow control To control execution flow in IL kernel there are special statments available.
IL if statement il_if( uint1 or float1 type ) { ... } il_else { ... } il_endif
This is while loop ( loop continues as long condition is not zero ) il_while( uint1 or float1 type ) { } il_endloop
Second version of while loop il_whileloop { ... il_breakc(break condition, must be uint1 of float1 type); ... } il_endloop
Also inside any loop we can use il_continuec( condition ) - this emits IL continuec statement.
using C++ flow control Any flow control instructions from C can be used. But they are not converted to IL. for(;;) usually is used for loop unroling at compilation time. if() can be used for conditional compilation.
special functions available <cal/cal_il.hpp> mad - multiply add barrier( int type ) mem_fence( int type ) read_mem_fence( int type ) write_mem_fence( int type ) get_global_id() - flattened global id get_global_id() get_global_id( int idx ) get_local_id() - flattened local id get_local_id() get_local_id( int idx ) get_group_id() - flattened group id get_group_id() get_group_id( int idx ) bitalign bytealign
<cal/cal_il_math.hpp> ( all functions support both floatX and doubleX ) ldexp frexp fract round exp log floor tanh atanh rsqrt sqrt reciprocal
<cal/cal_il_atomics.hpp> ( uav and lds atomics ) atom_add atom_sub atom_inc atom_dec atom_min atom_max atom_and atom_or atom_xor atom_xchg for each function there is available version with underscore ( _atom_xxx ) which doesn't return value
- CAL++ examples
peekflops Kernel executes huge numbers of mads to estimate peek FLOPS for card. In the kernel 'C for' is used for loop unroling.
matrixmul This is implementation of prunedtree's matrixmul algorithm ( ). I think this is good example of power of CAL++. The CAL++ code is much easier to write ( and read ) and yet it gives almost exactly the same ISA as the handwritten IL.
matrixmul2 Modified version with sample offset and without matrix split
coalescingtest This is test kernel to verify coalescing behaviour of ATI cards.
nbody ( + double version - dbl_nbody ) Optimal (fastest possible) implementation of brute-force n-body algorithm on ATI GPU. Achives 90% of peek operation count ( including required index computations gives 94% ). It's 10-20x faster than OpenCL implementation in ATI SDK.
vectorquantization Implementations of vector quantization. It shows a little bit more advanced kernels and use of LDS. It cannot be compiled at the time as it depends on some CAL Vector/Matrix classes which aren't available for public use.
uavwrite Shows how to use various types of UAV.
uavatomics Shows how to use uav atomics.