微信支付: https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/frame?t=home/pay_tmpl&lang=zh_CN
Official document
It contains:
- generate access-token
- app payment
- js payment
- native payment
- verify notify
- deliver notify
- order query
MRI Ruby 2.0.0 and newer are supported. 1.9.2 should work as well but not tested.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'wechat_pay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install wechat_pay
WechatPay.app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID'
WechatPay.app_secret = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'
WechatPay.pay_sign_key = 'YOUR_PAY_SIGN_KEY'
WechatPay.partner_id = 'YOUR_PARTNER_ID'
WechatPay.partner_key = 'YOUR_PARTNER_KEY'
WechatPay::AccessToken.generate # => { access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN', expires_in: 7200 }
Your should cache the access_token
, see http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/index.php...
You may wanna do something like this in Rails:
Rails.cache.fetch(:wechat_pay_access_token, expires_in: 7200.seconds, raw: true) do
# Please keep in mind that all key MUST be Symbol
params = {
body: 'body',
traceid: 'traceid', # Your user id
out_trade_no: 'out_trade_no', # Your order id
total_fee: '100', # 注意:单位是分,不是元
notify_url: 'http://your_domain.com/notify',
spbill_create_ip: ''
WechatPay::App.payment('ACCESS_TOKEN', params)
# =>
# {
# nonce_str: 'noncestr',
# package: 'Sign=WXpay',
# partner_id: 'partner_id',
# prepay_id: 'prepay_id',
# timestamp: '1407165191',
# sign: 'sign'
# }
# => "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?sign=SIGN&productid=..."
# example in rails controller
def package
request_data = Hash.from_xml(request.body.read)['xml'].symbolize_keys
app_signature = request_data[:AppSignature]
verify_params = {
productid: request_data[:ProductId],
timestamp: request_data[:TimeStamp],
noncestr: request_data[:NonceStr],
openid: request_data[:OpenId],
issubscribe: request_data[:IsSubscribe]
verified = WechatPay::Native.verify?(app_signature, verify_params)
if verified
# you may wanna find the order by `request_data['ProductId']`
package_params = {
body: 'body',
out_trade_no: 'out_trade_no',
total_fee: '1',
notify_url: 'http://your_domain.com/wechat_pay/notify',
spbill_create_ip: request.remote_ip
@data = WechatPay::Native.package('0', 'ok', package_params)
render "package.xml.erb"
# package.xml.erb
<AppId><%= @data[:app_id] %></AppId>
<NonceStr><%= @data[:nonce_str] %></NonceStr>
<TimeStamp><%= @data[:timestamp] %></TimeStamp>
<Package><%= @data[:package] %></Package>
<RetCode><%= @data[:ret_code] %></RetCode>
<RetErrMsg><%= @data[:ret_err_msg] %></RetErrMsg>
<SignMethod><%= @data[:sign_method] %></SignMethod>
<AppSignature><%= @data[:app_signature] %></AppSignature>
params = {
body: 'body',
out_trade_no: 'out_trade_no'
total_fee: '100'
notify_url: 'http://your_domain.com/notify',
spbill_create_ip: ''
@order_params = WechatPay::JS.payment(params)
# =>
# {
# app_id: "app_id",
# timestamp: "1407165191",
# nonce_str: "noncestr",
# package: "Sign=WXpay",
# pay_sign: "pay_sign",
# sign_type: 'SHA1'
# }
<%= link_to "wechat_payment_btn", "javascript:void(0)", id: "wechatPaymentBtn" %>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
var orderParams = {
appId: "<%= @order_params[:app_id] %>",
timeStamp: "<%= @order_params[:timestamp] %>",
nonceStr: "<%= @order_params[:nonce_str] %>",
package: "<%= @order_params[:package] %>",
paySign: "<%= @order_params[:pay_sign] %>",
signType: "<%= @order_params[:sign_type] %>"
document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', function onBridgeReady() {
$('#wechatPaymentBtn').click(function() {
WeixinJSBridge.invoke('getBrandWCPayRequest', orderParams, function(res) {
if (res.err_msg == "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok") {
alert('pay for success!');
} else {
}, false);
<% end %>
# Rails example
# for app, js and native
def notify
# except :controller_name, :action_name, :host, etc.
notify_params = params.except(*request.path_parameters.keys)
if WechatPay::Notify.verify?(notify_params)
# Valid notify status
if params[:trade_state] == '0'
# Code your business logic
render text: 'success'
render text: 'error'
def warning_notify
attrs = Hash.from_xml(request.ody.read)['xml']
.transform_keys{ |k| k.downcase.to_sym }
app_signature = attrs.delete(:appsignature)
if WechatPay::Notify::Warning.verify?(app_signature, attrs)
# Code your business logic
# Please keep in mind that all key MUST be Symbol
params = {
openid: 'openid',
transid: 'transid',
out_trade_no: 'out_trade_no',
deliver_msg: 'ok', # optional, default is 'ok'
deliver_status: '1', # optional, default is '1'
deliver_timestamp: '1410105134' # optional, default is `Time.now.to_i.to_s`
WechatPay::DeliverNotify.request('ACCESS_TOKEN', params)
# => { errcode: 0, errmsg: 'ok' }
WechatPay::OrderQuery.request('ACCESS_TOKEN', 'YOUR_OUT_TRADE_NO')
# => { errcode: 0, errmsg: 'ok', order_info: { ret_code: 0, ... } }
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request