V-1.2.3 (September 2017/09)
- Updated the link CDN for CSS, JS file to 0.100.2
V-1.1.3 (April 2017/04)
- Updated the link CDN for CSS, JS file to 0.98.2 and jQuery files to 3.2.1
- Updated structure HTML template snippets cdn and local
- Added New Snippet: FAB to Toolbar (mz-btn:fab-toolbar)
- Added New Snippet: Swipeable Tabs (mz-tabs:swipeable)
- Added New Snippet: Card with small Floating Action Button (mz-card:fab-small)
- Added New Snippet: Card with large Floating Action Button (mz-card:fab-large)
- Added New Snippet in javascript component: Feature Discovery (mz-featurediscovery:tap-target)
- It rewrote the structure of snippets for better semantics in the work area (see table of contents)
- Removed snippets that were not a block of code, such as: Helpers, Shadow, Parallax etc...
- Bugs Fixed
V-1.0.2 (December 2016/06)
- Updated CDN Links to 0.97.8
- Added New Snippet: Tabs now supported in navbar (mz-navbar: with_tabs)
- Bugs Fixed
V-1.0.1 (August 2016/09)
- Updated CDN Links to 0.97.7
- Added New Snippet: for Horizontal Card
- Added New Snippet: for Carousel
- Added New Snippet: for Sidenav
- removed files for requesting addition to Package Control (more details here )
V-1.0.0 (May 2016/27)
- Initial version
- Application of adhesion to package control
first of all, Sorry for my horrible English, is not my native language. 😳
Repository with snippets of the framework Materilizecss to Sublime Text 2&3, which will help you streamline your workflow, and make time for a cup of coffee ☕
For now, you can only install this repository downloading snippets, I'm working to take it as a plugin and upload to Package Control.
PackageControl Installation (Not available, sorry there is already a similar plugin Package Control). 😢
You can install this awesome plugin through the Package Control.
Press cmd/ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette.
Type "install package" and press enter. Then search for "Materializecss snippets"
Download this repository, unpack the .zip and rename the folder materializecss-snippets-master to materializecss-snippets
Open Sublime Text and go to Preferences> Browse Packages ...> User, and move the materializecss-Snippets folder to this route, that's all, enjoy.
To invoke snippets must type mz- more the element name. Example: mz-table.
To have the drop-down menu showing snippets more content like the following image, you must install the plugin SublimeCodeIntel from PackageControl, what contratio will have to manually search each snippet.
Remember to use mz- more the name of the element to invoke snippets.
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-template: | cnd | Basic html structure using cdn files |
mz-template: | local | Basic html structure using local files |
mz-template: | grid | Basic grid structure |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-mediacss: | img-circular | Circular Image |
mz-mediacss: | img-responsive | Responsive Image |
mz-mediacss: | video-embeds | Embeds video |
mz-mediacss: | video-responsive | Responsive Video |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-table: | bordered | Bordered Table |
mz-table: | centered | Centered Table |
mz-table: | default | Default Table |
mz-table: | highlight | Highlight Table |
mz-table: | responsive | Responsive Table |
mz-table: | striped | Striped Table |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-typography: | blockquote | Blockquote |
mz-typography: | flow-text | Responsive Text |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-badge: | default | Default Badge |
mz-badge: | new | New Badge |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-breadcrumb: | breadcrumb | Breadcrumb |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-btn: | default | Default Button |
mz-btn: | disabled | Disabled Button |
mz-btn: | fab-ct-h | Fixed action button click to toggle horizontal |
mz-btn: | fab-ct-v | Fixed action button click to toggle vertical |
mz-btn: | fab-h | Fixed action button horizontal |
mz-btn: | fab-toolbar | Fixed action button toolbar |
mz-btn: | fab-v | Fixed action button vertical |
mz-btn: | flat | Button Flat |
mz-btn: | flat-disabled | Button flat disabled |
mz-btn: | floating | Button Floating |
mz-btn: | floating-disabled | Button Floating Disabled |
mz-btn: | icon-left | Button with icon to the left |
mz-btn: | icon-right | Button with icon to the right |
mz-btn: | large | Large Button |
mz-btn: | large-disabled | Large Button Diasbled |
mz-btn: | large-icon-left | Large button with icon on the left |
mz-btn: | large-icon-right | Large button with icon on the right |
mz-btn: | submit | Submit Button |
mz-btn: | fab-toolbar | Fixed action button toolbar |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-card: | basic | Basic Card |
mz-card: | fab-large | Card with large Floating Action Button |
mz-card: | fab-small | Card with small Floating Action Button |
mz-card: | panel | Panel Card |
mz-card: | horizontal | Horinzontal Card |
mz-card: | image | Image Card |
mz-card: | image-lg | Image Card Large |
mz-card: | image-md | Image Card Medium |
mz-card: | image-sm | Image Card Small |
mz-card: | rao-default | Card reveal action option default |
mz-card: | rao-lg | Card reveal action option large |
mz-card: | rao-md | Card reveal action option medium |
mz-card: | rao-sm | Card reveal action option small |
mz-card: | reveal-default | Card reveal default |
mz-card: | reveal-lg | Card reveal large |
mz-card: | reveal-md | Card reveal medium |
mz-card: | reveal-sm | Card reveal small |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-chips: | contact | Chip Contacts |
mz-chips: | tags | Chip Tags |
mz-chips: | tags-close | Chip tag with icon close |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-collections: | avatar | Avatar Collection |
mz-collections: | basic | Basic Collection |
mz-collections: | dismissable-content | Dismissable Content collection |
mz-collections: | headers | headers collection |
mz-collections: | link | Link Collection |
mz-collections: | link-active | Link active collection |
mz-collections: | secondary-content | Secondary Content Collection |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-footer: | default | Footer Default |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-forms: | contact | Contact Form |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-icons: | default | Default Icon |
mz-icons: | lg-icon | Large Icon |
mz-icons: | md-icon | Medium Icon |
mz-icons: | sm-icon | Small Icon |
mz-icons: | tn-icon | Tiny Icon |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-navbar: | full_width | Menu full width |
mz-navbar: | full-width-fixed | Menu fixed full width |
mz-navbar: | width-centered | Menu width centered |
mz-navbar: | width-centered-fixed | Menu fixed width centered |
mz-navbar: | with-tabs | Menu with tabs |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-pagination: | default | Pagination Default |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-preloader: | circular-flashing-colors-lg | Preloader circular flashing colors big |
mz-preloader: | circular-flashing-colors-default | Preloader circular flashing colors default |
mz-preloader: | circular-flashing-colors-sm | Preloader circular flashing colors small |
mz-preloader: | color-circular-lg | Preloader color circular big |
mz-preloader: | color-circular-default | Preloader color circular default |
mz-preloader: | color-circular-sm | Preloader color circular small |
mz-preloader: | linear-determinate | Preloader linear determinate |
mz-preloader: | linear-indeterminate | Preloader linear indeterminate |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-corousel: | default | Default Carousel |
mz-corousel: | full-width | Carousel full width |
mz-corousel: | special-options | Special options carousel |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-collasible: | accordion | Collapsible accordion |
mz-collasible: | expandable | Collapsible expandable |
mz-collasible: | popout | Collapsible popout |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-dialogs: | callback-toast | Callback Toast |
mz-dialogs: | rounded-toast | Rounded Toast |
mz-dialogs: | toast-default | Default Toast |
mz-dialogs: | tooltips-bottom | Tooltips Bottom |
mz-dialogs: | tooltips-left | Tooltips Left |
mz-dialogs: | tooltips-right | Tooltips Right |
mz-dialogs: | tooltips-top | Tooltips Top |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-dropdown: | dropdown | Dropdown Structure |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-featurediscovery: | tap-target | Tap Target |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-mediajs: | material-box | Material design lightbox |
mz-mediajs: | material-box-captions | Material design lightbox captions |
mz-mediajs: | slider | Material design slider |
mz-mediajs: | slider-fullscreen | Material design slider fullscreen |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-modals: | bottom-sheet | Bottom Sheet Modal |
mz-modals: | default | Default Modal |
mz-modals: | fixed-footer | Fixed Footer Modal |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-sidenav: | dropdown-structure | Sidenav Dropdown |
mz-sidenav: | fixed-structure | Sidenav Fixed |
mz-sidenav: | fullscreen-structure | Sidenav Fullscreen |
mz-sidenav: | html-structure | Sidenav HTML Structure |
Snippet | Snippet Content | Description |
mz-tabs: | default | Default Tab |
mz-tabs: | swipeable | Swipeable tab |