Hi, my name's Kurt. I'm a software developer currently focused on creating full-stack web applications with an emphasis on backend systems.
My main programming environment is C# + .NET with JavaScript being a close secondary. I've also written software in C++, Python, and other languages, and I'm currently dipping my toes into Rust.
- Plunger
A full-stack web app I wrote this to replace the spreadsheet I use to track and manage my video game collection. It currently supports adding games that appear in the Internet Games Database to a collection. It also collates and tracks duplicate versions of games that might exist in a collection. It's hosted on Azure and built with React on the frontend and C# on the backend.
This is currently under construction as I finish the UI and rewrite older parts using Chakra UI.
- Literate Waffle
An extensible and reusable CLI for managing entities in a SQL database. It uses an MVC-like architecture to stay simple. Menu options are associated with functions that handle logic surrounding database queries. The dbInterface class defines and exports functions that call stored procedures located in the database.
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kurtbixby
- Email: [email protected]