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/* This project is just for test slamware, and give an simple tutorial to use slamware SDK on ROS.

if you have any question, can contact with kint.zhao E-MAIL: [email protected].

More information from following: slamtec: slamware SDK: slamware API: */

Do some application using slamware SDK on ubuntu.

  1. create an example by cmake. notice: the order of static libs.
  2. create an ros package to connect slamware robot platform by tcp/ip.
  3. finish the slamwareNode


  1. you should run the slamcore on your robot, mark the IP_addres. and make sure slamCore run OK!
  2. modify the launch/view_slamwareAPP.launch for your robot system.
  3. upgrade your slamware SDK from
  4. run : roslaunch slamwareAPP view_slamwareNode.launch