This is a safe place to learn Ruby, practice making mistakes, practice writing tests, and get comfortable writing Ruby code without the possibility of breaking prod.
- to run a Ruby file:
ruby "name_of_your_file"
- define a method:
def my_method(myinfo)
puts myinfo
mymethod "my info goes here"
- "irb" stands for interactive Ruby. Can be used to create a Ruby environment in the terminal.
- installing a Gem from a local source
gem install --local path_to_gem/filename.gem
# can include in your Gem file
gem "local_gem", :path => "../local_gem"
- In most cases "empty" and not "nil" for tests.
- How to run tests:
rails test
- Where to find tests:
- spec/spec_helper.rb | contains RSPec specific configs
- spec/rails_helper.rb | contains Rails specific configs
Unit Tests Models, individual units of the app. Ex: Ensuring validations are working... Functional Tests Controllers, is a function working? Ex: Preventing a non-logged in user from performing an action. Integration Tests Full feature testing, from start to finish. Ex: Testing a business process like a user signing up for an app.