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Ubuntu Web VNC Container

Run Ubuntu Web VNC within Docker with one command!

Credit: based on ConSol 's Version (achieved)

Current TODOs: changelog, TODOs, and Help Wanted


  • Desktop environment: Xfce4
  • VNCServer: latest TigerVNC
    • which doesn't rely on unreliable xstartup to start desktop session!
  • HTML5 VNC client: noVNC
  • Software:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Chromium (not work for ARM, a known problem of Chrome?)
    • Sublime
    • Docker
    • Chinese Input (Ctrl + Space)

OS & UI sessions:

  • kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc:
    • Ubuntu 18.04 with Xfce4 UI session
      • X86-64
      • ARM-64


  • Run command with mapping to local port 8002 (vnc web access):

    bash [password]
    # visit: http://Your_IP|Domain:8002
  • Advanced usage

    docker run -d \
      --privileged \
      --restart=on-failure:10 \
      --shm-size=512m \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
      -p 8001:5901 -p 8002:6901 \
      -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1600x900 \
      -e VNC_CLIENT=false \
      -v ~/vnc-data:/headless/share \
      --name ubuntu-web-vnc \
  • Build an image from scratch:

    # for single arch
    # for multi arch (amd64, arm64) with proper tags

Connect & Control

If the container is started like mentioned above, connect via one of these options:


0) Security Consideration: best practice

In short, disable vnc client option (disabled by default) and use Caddy server to proxy the web VNC by https.

  • Disable VNC Client: -e VNC_CLIENT=false \
  • Set VNC Port to localhost only: -p -p \
  • Use Caddy Server to reverse proxy Web VNC with https
    • # /etc/caddy/Caddyfile {
        reverse_proxy localhost:8002
  • Access Web VNC via https:

1) Extend a Image with your own software

All images run as non-root user per default, so if you want to extend the image and install software, you have to switch back to the root user:

## Custom Dockerfile
FROM kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

# Switch to root user to install additional software

## Install a gedit
RUN apt-get install -y gedit \
    && apt-get clean all

## switch back to default user
USER ubuntu

2) Using root (user id 0)

Add the --user flag to your docker run command:

docker run -it --user 0 ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

2) Using user and group id of host system

Add the --user flag to your docker run command:

docker run -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

3) Override VNC environment variables

The following VNC environment variables can be overwritten at the docker run phase to customize your desktop environment inside the container:

  • VNC_COL_DEPTH, default: 24
  • VNC_RESOLUTION, default: 1600x900
  • VNC_PW, default: VNC_PASSWORD

3.1) Example: Override the VNC password

Simply overwrite the value of the environment variable VNC_PW. For example in the docker run command:

docker run -it -e VNC_PW=my-pw ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

3.2) Example: Override the VNC resolution

Simply overwrite the value of the environment variable VNC_RESOLUTION. For example in the docker run command:

docker run -it -e VNC_RESOLUTION=800x600 ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

4) View only VNC

Since version 1.2.0 it's possible to prevent unwanted control via VNC. Therefore you can set the environment variable VNC_VIEW_ONLY=true. If set, the startup script will create a random password for the control connection and use the value of VNC_PW for view only connection over the VNC connection.

 docker run -it -e VNC_VIEW_ONLY=true ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

5) Chromium crashes with high VNC_RESOLUTION

The problem there is the too small /dev/shm size in the container. Except the solution below, we can also use -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm

docker run --shm-size=256m -it VNC_RESOLUTION=1920x1080 ... kaiyhou/ubuntu-web-vnc

6) Chinese Input Usage

  • Ctrl + Space switch to Chinese input: fcitx-rime.
  • In the rime input, simple click left shift to switch between Chinese and English
  • Traditional/Simplification Chinese, and other features switch: Ctrl + ~
  • Issues:
    • Fcitx Configuration application in xfce4 application menu cannot link to fcitx server automatically.
    • Solution: killall fcitx then fcitx. Then, you can config fcitx via GUI.


At this point we want to thank all contributors, which helped to move this great project by submitting code, writing documentation, or adapting other tools to play well together with the docker headless container.


The current changelog is provided here:


Run Ubuntu Web VNC within Docker with one command!







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