Developing complet quadcopter flight control-board.
h3> Components
- Teensy 3.1: more advanced and powerfull than arduino
- MPU 9150: 9-axis MotionTracking device
- Bluetooth: wireless communication between board and computer (or possibly android device)
- Diods: Visual feedback of the boards state
- RC receiver: User control of quadcopter
- Quadcopter:
- Motors: SunnySky x2212
- ESC: HobbyKing 20A
- Prop: 8045
- Flight Time: around 15-20min min on 4000mAh lipo
- Stability: Video on youtube is old and the newest software update and tuned PID constants results to very stable flight
- Controlling: Either through classic RC controller or pc joystick
- CopterTeensy: software running on Teensy 3.1
- Python: few libraries which runns on RaspberryPi just for trials (GPS, Teensy usb communication) etc.)