#SJ-PARALLAX http://www.parallax.web-sj.com (Demo & Explanation)
- Download sj-parallax.js and sj-parallax.css
- Paste the sj-parallax.js in your js folder and sj-parallax.css in your style folder
- Include the files by adding the following to your index.html / index.php
<script type="text/javascript" rel="javascript" src="[path to sj-parallax.js]"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="[path to sj-parallax.css]">
####Using the parallax effect There are 2 types of parallax effects so far:
- background (parallax the background-image of a div)
- normal (Normal divs / img)
- fixedheader (parallax the background-image of a fixed header)
- fixedbackground (parallax the background-image of a fixed div)
To use the effect on a element, do the following things:
- Add class sj-parallax
- Set data-type (background, normal, fixedheader or fixedbackground)
- Set offset (default = 10)
If you're using a background type, you can use data-from to set the background position (top, center, bottom)
<div class="sj-parallax" data-type="background" data-offset="50" style="background-image: url('/img/temp.png')"></div>
<img class="sj-parallax" data-type="normal" data-offset="20" src="/img/test.png">