The Wallet Application is a full-stack web application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) that allows users send money, request money, add balance, accept payment, accept payment requets. It provides a user-friendly interface for organizing transactions and gaining insights into spending habits.
Front-end: The user interface is developed using React.js initialized using vite, a popular JavaScript library for building dynamic web applications. for front end data management redux-toolkit is also used.
Back-end: The server-side of the application is built with Node.js and Express.js, providing a scalable and robust foundation.
Database: MongoDB is utilized as the NoSQL database to store and retrieve financial data efficiently.
API Integration: used cloudinary service is also used to manage user media's
To install and run the Wallet Application locally, follow these steps:
git clone <repositoru url>
Navigate to the project root and install the necessary dependencies for root
, wallet-client
and wallet-app-backend
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd backend
npm install
after installation navigate to root and run:
npm run dev
- create
in root and add following variables
- user login
- user register
- user logout
- user dashboard
- profile update
- send money
- receive money
- money request
- view send transactions
- view received transactions
- view money requests send from other users
- accept money request and pay amount
- add balance to our account
- verify user after registration (ADMIN)
to view api docs click here
to view live click here
live video explanation click here