I'm a software engineer passionate about the world of Data Science and Data Engineering. I have more than 4 years of working experience using different technologies in several contexts, especially Python and AWS. I believe that my development helps in the development of other people. I love to learn new concepts, experience new challenges and pass on all the knowledge to impact other people's lives.
Nowdays, I work in Data Engineering projects, involving data ingestion, operating in a cloud computing environment. In addition, I'm a content creator. I share my learnings and experiences through my YouTube channel and some training projects. I look forward to continuing to evolve my skills with Python and AWS, experimenting with new big data technologies such as Apache Spark and Airflow.
- 🔭 I'm working at Accenture.
- 🌱 I'm improving my habillities with Apache Spark and AWS.
- 🤗 I like to experience new learnings and collaborate with knowledge sharing
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.
- Como se preparar para entrevistas técnicas em Dados? Ponto de vista de Entrevistador. (feat. Anwar)
- Compute Engine: O Poder Computacional da Google Cloud
- Ingestão de Dados Orientado a Objetos com princípios SOLID (Encontro de Engenharia IV)
- Processamento de Dados com DuckDB, AWS e Spark com Pedro Holanda
- Docker: O Básico e Essencial para Dados (Encontro de Engenharia II)