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Release Notes 0.7.2

danbim edited this page Sep 19, 2011 · 13 revisions

Customizable Message Preprocessing (WSN.setChannelPipeline())

The methods WSN.setChannelPipeline() and WSN.getSupportedChannelHandlers() are now fully implemented! This allows you to customize a protocol stack in the backend for each node individually (and centrally at the portal). This may simply be use to (de-)activate message (de-)framing, set a different message (de-)framing, add OTAP functionality and more! Please read Customizing the ChannelPipeline for a more detailed explanation.

Preliminary OTAP Support

Using the new channel pipeline customization features you can configure the OTAP implementation of netty-handlerstack into Testbed Runtimes backend. By sending a serialized XML-based request packet the handler will start and manage the OTAP process and send back a serialized XML-based response after finishing. Please stay tuned for a more detailed explanation of this!

Documentation Fully Migrated to github

I finally managed to move all documentation to github. As the Wiki can be virtually edited by everyone I hope this will lead to an improved collaborative documentation!

New Device Drivers Integrated

Testbed Runtime 0.7.2 is now based on the new and improved driver architecture (wsn-device-drivers) which provides cleaner, more up-to-date interfaces and makes it a lot easier to develop drivers for other sensor nodes architectures.

New Scripts in the Experimentation Scripts Assembly

  • send and send-protobuf to send a binary message to an individual node or multiple nodes at once
  • set-channel-pipeline to set a nodes channel pipeline
  • get-supported-channelhandlers to retrieve the list of supported channel handlers for the channel pipeline

Check out Experimentation Scripts for more detailed information!

Improved Logging Customization

Logging behaviour can now be customized by passing a Log4J configuration file to the JVM when starting Testbed Runtime. Please see Logging Customization for more detailed information!

Lots of Issues Resolved

For the full list of issues that were resolved please check out the issues of milestone 0.7.2. As the previous release 0.7.1 was not publicly announced as we used it internally only please also check out the issues of milestone 0.7.1.