- 🎓 My education was in chemical engineering 🧪
- 👔 My first jobs were in manufacturing 🏭
- 🤖 I first learnt to code automating tasks with excel VBA, I then discovered python and it spiralled out of control from there
💻 Technologies
Find the full list of courses i've taken here
Languages I'm comfortable with:
Data technologies:
Web technologies:
...and i'm always keen to learn more!
🗂️ Key Projects
learn how I host all of these websites here
A platform to create multiple choice forms and analyse the scanned responses with optical mark recognition. Inspired by Spotify's wrapped campaign: a data app that scrapes and analyses your food diary data from myfitnesspal. A web app to simulate the champions league round of 16 draw. A website to review campgrounds - like Yelp but for campgrounds.An Excel add-in to retrieve chemical information - based on the ChemSpider API
repository || demo