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timpx edited this page Sep 19, 2019 · 14 revisions

Surface and Connectivity Reconstruction:

Imaging Pipeline for TVB Simulations - SCRIPTS 0.4.1


This pipeline uses T1 and diffusion MRI data to prepare surface, region mapping and connectivity for TVB simulatons in the following way:

  • The surface is built with freesurfer
  • The region mapping is built from the parcellation of freesurfer on a decimated surface (20.000 vertices)
  • The connectivity and length matrices are build with MRtrix using spherical deconvolution and probabilistic tractrography.

Versions of the needed softwares

The pipeline was tested on a Debian wheezy 64 bits

  • Freesurfer: tested with freesurfer-x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-stable5-20130513
  • Python: tested with python 2.7.3
  • MRtrix: tested with MRtrix 3
  • FSL: tested with FSL 5.0
  • MNE: tested with MNE 2.7.0


Please see installation steps

Run the pipeline

  • Create a main directory, all data and processed data files will be in this main directory In this main directory you must have:
if using your own data
  • a "data" directory with:
    • a "T1" directory with T1 MRI in the nifti or dicom format.
    • a "DWI" directory with dMRI data in nifti or dicom format. If in the nifti format, the bvecs and bvals files must be provided as well in the FSL format; see Mrtrix documentation)
if using HCP data
  • a "data" directory with:
in both cases
  • Clone this repository wherever you want, copy the file (you can copy it to your main directory) and edit it as needed.

  • To run the surface pipeline, in a terminal:

cd path_to_scripts
bash -c path_to_config/


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