blendeROS is a blender addon to extract joint positions from a rigged/simulated robot and control a real robot arm using ROS indusstrial by sending actions.
blendeROS uses roslibpy to send actions (followJointTrajectoryGoal) to ROS through rosbridge-server
the addon will insert a sidebar panel (shortcut 'N') where IK can be enabled dissabled
joint positions can be visualized in both modes in degrees
there is a 'reset to rest position', a (dis/)connect to rosbridge button and a button to build and send actions from the animation. in addition a velocity slider allows to control the speed from 0.0 to 1.0 (0-100%)
roslibpy 1.2.0 has to be installed
- either using blenders bundles python (using pip)
- removing blender's python and using system's python (untested)
a blender demo file is included. the file contains a staubli TX60 rigged robot arm with the iTaSC solver configured
zip the blendeROS folder and install the addon as usualy
windows and mac haven't been tested yet
currently the addon looks for a specific model (staubli's tx60)
tx60 streaming to ROS is not supported by the staubli_val3_driver