|Build Status| |Version Status| |Downloads|
This is Trialspark's fork of SQLALchemy Continuum. A versioning and auditing extension for SQLAlchemy.
- Handles PostgreSQL Schemas
- Adds indices to Columns that are marked primary_key=True
- Copy the following:
[distutils] index-servers= testpypi pypi [testpypi] repository = https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ username = rrmurcek password = [pypi] username = rrmurcek password =
- Paste into your local pypiprc:
pbpaste > ~/.pypirc
- Set the password from 1pass
- Install twine, if you haven't already
pip install twine
- Bump version number in setup.py, if necessary!
- Upload to our test pypi
twine upload dist/* -r testpypi
- Verify that the new version appears here: https://test.pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy-Continuum-Trialspark/
- Upload to our prod pypi
twine upload dist/*
- Update requirements.txt in spark, if you released a new version
pip install SQLAlchemy-Continuum-Trialspark