CakePHP 4.x payment plugin
If you are using composer simply add the plugin using the command
composer require hakito/sofortcom-plugin
Otherwise download the plugin to app/Plugin/SofortCom. Add a PSR-4 compatible autoloader to your bootstrap.
Load the plugin in your bootstrap:
public function bootstrap()
// Call parent to load bootstrap from files.
$this->addPlugin(\SofortCom\Plugin::class, ['routes' => true]);
Create the database tables with the following command:
bin/cake migrations migrate -p SofortCom
In your app.local.php add an entry for SofortCom
'SofortCom' => [
// enter your configuration key
// you only can create a new configuration key by
// creating a new Gateway project in your account at
'configkey' => 'dummy:key',
// Encryption key for sending encrypted data to SofortCom
'encryptionKey' => 'A_SECRET_KEY_MUST_BE_32_BYTES_LONG',
// Default CurrencyCode.
// You can override this when preparing the payment request.
'currency' => 'EUR',
// The conditions are used if you use the
// SofortlibComponent::NeutralizeFee function
'conditions' => [
'fee' => 25, // fixed fee in cents
'fee_relative' => '0.009' // relative fee
In your payment handling controller:
// Load the component
public function initialize()
// Sample checkout
private function _checkoutSofortCom($orderId)
$this->Sofortlib->setReason('Buying Great Stuff', 'Order ' . $orderId); // Displayed as payment reason to the user
$this->Sofortlib->setSuccessUrl(''); // The URL your clients are redirected upon success
$this->Sofortlib->setAbortUrl(''); // The URL your clients are redirected upon abort
} catch (SofortLibException $ex) {
Log::error(sprintf('SofortCom payment redirect errors: "%s"', var_export($ex->errors, true)));
$this->Flash->set(__('Could not redirect to online banking (Error {0}). Please choose another payment method.', $ex->getMessage()));
return $this->redirect('');
You must implement at least the following eventhandler:
function ($event, $args)
// $args =
// [
// 'shop_id' => 'order123', // Some id defined by you upon payment initialization
// 'notifyOn' => 'pending', // SofortCom notification URL suffix
// 'transaction' => '99999-53245-5483-4891', // SofortCom transaction id
// 'time' => '2010-04-14T19:01:08+02:00', // SofortCom timestamp of notification
// 'data' => {object}, // Instance of Sofort\SofortLib\TransactionData
// ]
return ['handled' => true]; // If you don't set the handled flag to true
// the plugin will throw an UnhandledNotificationException
This event is optional and fired before the user is redirected to the payment URL. It provides the following arguments:
$args =
'transaction' => '99999-53245-5483-4891', // SofortCom transaction id
'payment_url' => '' // SofortCom payment redirect url