This Arduino project provides a way to control a relay with the added ability to record and replay its states. The states are stored in the Arduino's EEPROM.
- Arduino (with EEPROM)
- Relay (connected to pin 11)
- 4 Buttons (connected to analog pins A2, A1, A4, A3)
- 4 LEDs (connected to digital pins 4, 8, 6, 2)
Component | Connection Pin |
Relay | Digital Pin 11 |
Button 1 | Analog Pin A2 |
Button 2 | Analog Pin A1 |
Button 3 | Analog Pin A4 |
Button 4 | Analog Pin A3 |
LED 1 (Record LED) | Digital Pin 4 |
LED 2 (Timer LED) | Digital Pin 8 |
LED 3 (Normal LED) | Digital Pin 6 |
LED 4 (Relay LED) | Digital Pin 2 |
The program has three main states:
Idle State (State 0): In this state, various operations can be triggered by pressing the buttons:
- Button KEY1 (A2): If pressed for 5 seconds, the EEPROM data is cleared, and the program moves to the Learning State (State 1).
- Button KEY2 (A1): When pressed, the program moves to the Trigger State (State 2), where it replays the recorded relay states.
- Button KEY3 (A4): Provides a way to manually control the relay.
- Button KEY4 (A3): Dumps the EEPROM data to the serial port.
Learning State (State 1): In this state, the relay's states are recorded every 100 milliseconds. The program returns to the Idle State if KEY1 is pressed or if the maximum index (900) is reached.
Trigger State (State 2): In this state, the program replays the recorded actions every 100 milliseconds. The program returns to the Idle State if KEY1 is pressed or if the recorded action list ends.
The LEDs provide status feedback:
- RECORD_LED (Pin 4): ON when recording states, OFF otherwise.
- TIMER_LED (Pin 8): Blinks when recording or replaying, ON in idle state.
- NORMAL_LED (Pin 6): ON when idle, OFF when recording or replaying.
- RELAY_LED (Pin 2): ON when the relay is ON, OFF otherwise.
- Connect the components as described above.
- Upload the Arduino sketch to your board.
- Use the buttons to control the relay and record/replay its states.