Options Handled
A) Internal Commands :
1) cd: Change Directory
* cd ..: takes you one directory back
* cd ~: takes you to the home directory
* cd [dirname]: takes you to specified directory
2) echo: This displays a line of text like a echo.
-n: skip printing the trailing newline
-E: treat escape characters as part of the input string
3) history: Shows commands used.
-c: Clear history
-w: adds to history without error.
4) pwd: print current working directory(cwd)
5) exit: Normal Exit.
B) External Commands :
1) ls : print files and directories at pwd
-a : List all (including hidden) files and directories
-A : Skip "." and ".." file
2) cat : Concatenates files and print on the standard output
--help : Manpage of cat
-n : also shows number of lines
3) rm : Remove given files or directories
-f : ignore non-existent files and arguments without error
-d : creates directory inside a directory recursively.
4) date : Prints date or set the system date and time.
--help : Shows date commands
-u : Shows time in UTC
5) mkdir : Create directory
-v : Verbose directory making
--help : Shows manpage of mkdir