#TinyTX - An ATtiny84 and RFM12B wireless sensor node
By Nathan Chantrell. For hardware design see http://nathan.chantrell.net/tinytx
Licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
##TinyTX_DS18B20 With DS18B20 temperature sensor.
##TinyTX_DHT22 With DHT22 temperature & humidity sensor.
##TinyTX_TMP36 With TMP36 Analogue Temperature Sensor.
With LDR to read LED pulses on electricity meter.
##TinyTX_LDR With LDR to read light levels.
##TinyTX_ReedSwitch Detect a normally closed reed switch opening and closing with pin change interrupt to wake from sleep.
##TinyTX_Hall_Effect_Gas Using an A3214EUA-T or A3213EUA-T Hall Effect Sensor to read the pulse magnet on a gas meter.
##TinyTX_Rain_Gauge Using a tipping bucket rain gauge with a reed switch to indicate each tip. A pin change interrupt is used to wake the TinyTX
##TinyTX_Water A leak/flood sensor using the TinyTX, a 100K resistor and two wire probes. See below for a receiver.
##TinyTX_Water_RX Receiver example for the above leak/flood sensor, can be run on a Tiny TX and brings D9 high on a water alarm and D10 high on a low battery alarm. Could be used to trigger an external device, sound a buzzer etc. Same code could also be used on a Nanode/WiNode etc.
##TinyTX_RX_Simple A simple receive example, outputing received data on the serial monitor.
##TinyTX_NanodeRF_emoncms For the Nanode RF (http://www.nanode.eu/) to upload multiple nodes to emoncms
##TinyTX_MAX1284_emoncms For the upcoming MAX1284 internet gateway (http://max1284.homelabs.org.uk/) to upload multiple nodes to emoncms
##TinyTX_NanodeRF_Cosm Nanode RF example to upload data from a single TinyTX to http://cosm.com