A small library for simplifying a table object in selenium
If you have pip on your system, you can simply install or upgrade the Python bindings:
pip install selenium-datatable
Alternately, you can download the source code and run:
python setup.py install
A table object class implementation:
# -- FILE: table.py
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium_datatable import DataTable, Column
class UsersTable(DataTable):
rows_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tbody > tr")
headers_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "thead > tr > th")
# columns
last_name = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(1)")
first_name = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(2)")
email = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(3)")
due = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(4)")
web_site = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(5)")
delete_button = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(6) a[href='#delete']")
edit_button = Column(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "tr:nth-of-type({row}) td:nth-of-type(6) a[href='#edit']")
A page object class implementation:
# -- FILE: home_page.py
from table import UsersTable
class HomePage:
items_list = UsersTable("id", "table1")
def __init__(self, driver, url='http://localhost/tables'):
self.driver = driver
self.url = url
def open(self):
# -- FILE: test_table.py
import unittest
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
from home_page import HomePage
class TestTable(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.driver = Chrome()
self.page = HomePage(self.driver)
def test_get_item_from_first_row(self):
item = self.page.items_list.get_item_by_position(1)
self.assertEqual(item.first_name.text, 'John')
self.assertEqual(item.last_name.text, 'Smith')
self.assertEqual(item.email.text, '[email protected]')
def test_get_item_by_property(self):
item = self.page.items_list.get_item_by_property(last_name='Doe', first_name='Jason')
self.assertEqual(item.first_name.text, 'Jason')
self.assertEqual(item.last_name.text, 'Doe')
def test_number_of_rows(self):
assert len(self.page.items_list) == 4
def test_iterate_through_rows(self):
for row in self.page.items_list:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(row, 'last_name'))
def test_comprehension_list_slice(self):
users = [row for row in self.page.items_list[1:3]]
self.assertEqual(len(users), 2)
self.assertEqual(users[0].first_name.text, "Frank")
self.assertEqual(users[1].first_name.text, "Jason")
def tearDown(self):
The DataTable
class is looking for a "driver" attribute in an owner class, but you can change that behaviour by overriding the attribute driver_attribute
from the DataTable
class UsersTable(DataTable):
driver_attribute = "selenium"