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FOS - Free on Shades - A scientific visualization library in Python & Cython

General Dependencies
- Python >= 2.6 <=3.0
- Numpy  >= 1.3.0
- Cython >= 0.13
- Pyglet >= 1.1.4

Local Installation Instructions
1.Clone the repository
>>> git clone git://
2.Add Fos to your PYTHONPATH 
3.Go to Fos directory and Build it locally
>>> python build_ext --inplace

Fos-Developers Instructions
As above but you need to clone for read+write access
>>> git clone [email protected]:fos/Fos.git


Track Interactions using Spaghetti 

Extra Dependencies:

- Nibabel  >= 1.0
- Dipy >= 0.6-dev
- Pytables >= 2.1.2

Interaction Keys:

P : select/unselect the representative track.
E : expand/collapse the selected tracks 
F : keep selected tracks rerun QuickBundles and hide everything else.
A : select all representative tracks which are currently visible.
I : invert selected tracks to unselected.
H : hide/show all representative tracks.
S : save the ids of selected tracks.
Left Mouse Button: keep pressed with dragging - rotation
Middle Mouse Button: keep pressed with dragging for slow zoom
Scrolling Mouse: fast zoom
Right Button : panning - translation
R : reset camera for the entire scene.
LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, PGUP, PGDOWN : change slice.
SHIFT + (LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, PGUP, PGDOWN): change slices faster.
1, 2, 3 : hide/show slice.
0 : hide/show all slices.
SPACE : Select ROI
M : Maximize ROI
N : minNimize ROI
ENTER : Store ROI in mask
G : Get tracks intersecting with mask
D : Delete all ROIs and reset mask
? : Print this menui
ESC : exit