These scripts were used to batch-import/edit presentation-pages (via the OSF-API) for the 2019 OSF SPNHC meeting site, and should be generalizable to any OSF meeting set-up.
Input = CSV of submitted titles, abstracts, subject tags, author names & emails.
Each script loops through the CSV to do the following:
OSFsetup.R = format/collate submitted abstracts into separate PDFs
- OSFpdfTemplate.Rmd = PDF template referenced by OSFsetup.R
OSFemail.R = submit (email) each submitted abstract to OSF
OSFtagID.R = retrieve node id's for OSF abstract pages (by title) add subject-tags and user-IDs (admins + contributors)
OSFusers.R = remove SPNHC admins from bibliographic contributors
OSFabstracts.R = retrieve OSF page titles & abstracts/wiki's
OSFdescripts.R = update descriptions of OSF projects