Bootstarp logic for new instances, autoconfigure chef-client and friends
With CloudFormation, use the folowing in Mappings
"Mappings": {
"UserData": {
"CloudInit": {
"BaseInclude": ""
"Config": {
"Chef": {
"serverURL": "",
"validationCert": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
"Misc": {
"domain": ""
Then in your Instance resource (or AutoScalingLaunchConfig) use the following:
"UserData": {"Fn::Base64": {"Fn::Join": ["\n", [
{"Fn::FindInMap": ["UserData", "CloudInit", "BaseInclude"]}
] ]
And in metadata use:
"Metadata": {
"chef": {
"role": "storm_nimbus",
"run_list": ["role[storm_nimbus]", "recipe[cloudformation::signal]"],
"serverURL": {"Fn::FindInMap":["Config", "Chef", "serverURL"]},
"validationCert": {"Fn::FindInMap":["Config", "Chef", "validationCert"]},
"environment": {"Ref": "Environment"}
"generic": {
"domain": {"Fn::FindInMap": ["Config", "Misc", "domain"]}
Note: For AutoscalingGroups put the metadata in the AutoScalingGroup resource and not the AutoScalingLaunchConfig. UserData goes in LaunchConfig, Metadata in AutoScalingGroup.