Releases: f00d4tehg0dz/elgato-streamdeck-cookie-clicker
Releases · f00d4tehg0dz/elgato-streamdeck-cookie-clicker
Release 4.1
- Resolved an issue where cookies would erroneously increment upon startup of the Elgato Stream Deck software.
- Enhanced security measures for leaderboard score submissions. Visit the leaderboard to see your score!
- Refactoring existing codebase.
- We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please submit any issues or ideas here.
Release 4.0
- The logic for Cookie Clicker's cookie multiplier has been enhanced.
- A number of additional titles have been added to Cookie Clicker (LOTS).
- The game now has an end state when you reach the highest possible score for Elgato StreamDeck.
- The Cookie Clicker logo has been redesigned.
- The UI/UX for Cookie Clicker has been revamped.
- A new font has been added to Cookie Clicker.
- Numerous changes have been made under the hood.
- The leaderboard has been updated and enhanced, with restrictions included.
- A reset score button has been added to the Property Inspector.
Release 3.6
JWT Authentication
Release 3.5
Bug Fixes and New Category Logo
- WillAppear - Displays cookie count.
- New Category logo
Release 3.4
-Bug Fixes-
Release 3.1
Online LeaderBoards!!!
- Input a name, and submit your score!
- Your score stays upon restart now!
Release 1.2
Release 1.1
- Added more levels with titles
- Cleaned up codebase
Release 1.0
production Update com.f00d4tehg0dz.cookieclicker.streamDeckPlugin