JSON-based CAS ServiceRegistry configuration file editor. This command creates/modifies JSON files that are compatible with JsonServiceRegistryDao.
You can build the project from source using the following command:
./gradlew distZip
(gradlew.bat distZip
on Windows)
Once the build is complete, you will be left with a zip file:
Just move the zip file and extract it whereever you want to install it. Make sure to at the cas-json-tool-0.4.0/bin
directory to your $PATH
The install command creates a new directory (cas-json-tool-0.4.0) that contains all of the necessary jar files and some shell/groovy scripts:
- bin/cas-json-tool - Bash wrapper script for the cas-json-tool jar file
- bin/svnProcess - Bash script that handles an example pre/post workflow with SVN
- bin/gitProcess - Bash script that handles an example pre/post workflow with git
cas-json-tool will look for cas-json-tool-config.groovy
in your home directory to read configuration options. You can specify a different file with --defaults
//Default theme for CAS login page
defaultTheme = "default"
//All attributes that can be released by CAS
releaseAttributes = ["uid","eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation","cn","givenName","sn","mail","phone"]
//Allow these extra attributes. An empty list allows any attribute
allowedExtraAttributes = []
//Require these extra attributes for each service.
//Attributes in this list are automatically included in allowedExtraAttributes
requiredExtraAttributes = ["contactName","contactEmail","contactDept","contactPhone"]
//Always output a CSV file when writing a JSON file (.json file ending will be replaced with .csv)
autoCSV = false
//Run this command BEFORE processing. the input file is passed as an argument.
preCommand = ''
//Run this command AFTER processing. the output file is passed as an argument.
postCommand = ''
To see a list of all options, use the --help
$ cas-json-tool --help
usage: cas-json-tool --input service_registry.json [options]
Available options (use -h for help):
--authzName <attributeName> attribute that contains the authorization data for this
--authzUrl <error URL> URL user will be directed to if authprization fails
--authzValue <value list> attribute values that users must have to access this
service (separate multiple with commas)
--csv <CSVfileName> Write data to a CSV file
--defaults <configFileName> groovy config file
--desc <description> description
--disable disable a service
--disableAnonymous disable opaque identifier
--disableProxy do not allow proxy ticket requests
--disableSSO disable Anonymous access
-e,--extraAttribute <attribute=value> add arbitrary extra attribute/value for this service
(can be used multiple times)
--enable enable a disabled service
--enableAnonymous enable opaque user identifier instead of NetID
--enableProxy allow service to request proxy tickets
--enableSSO enable SSO access
--evalOrder <number> evaluation order - used when multiple patterns match a
URL. Lower wins. (default: 100)
-f,--force overwrite output file
-h,--help usage information
-i,--input <inputFilename> JSON file to read.
--id <serviceID> service ID number - valid with "--search", "--remove"
or "--modify" ONLY
-m,--modify modify service
--mfaAttr <MFA Attribue Name> attribute that contains Multi-Factor Auth (MFA)
Requirements for this service
--mfaUser <MFA user list> usernames that must use MFA (requires
--mfaValue=CHECK_LIST) (separate multiple with commas)
--mfaUserAttr <MFA User list Attribue> attribute that contains the list of users required to
use MFA (requires --mfaValue=CHECK_LIST)
--mfaValue <MFA Attribue Value> user group that will be required to use MFA (allowed:
-n,--new add new service
--name <serviceName> service name
-o,--output <outputFilename> write output to this file. Prints to STDOUT if omitted
--pattern <pattern> regular expression or ant pattern to match service
-r,--remove remove service
--release <attribute list> add to attribute list (separate multiple with commas)
-s,--search search for a service
--theme <theme> CAS theme to use with this service.
--url <url> sample URL to test the ant/regex pattern
--userAttribute <usernameAttribute> Alternate Username attribute
-v,--version version information
Read an existing JSON service-registry file (example.json
$ cas-json-tool --input=example.json
"services": [
"enabled": true,
"ignoreAttributes": false,
"theme": "default",
"id": 1,
"extraAttributes": {
"createdDate": "2012-11-02 09:05:36 -0500"
"allowedToProxy": false,
"serviceId": "https://example.org/**",
"description": "This is a new service",
"name": "My Service",
"ssoEnabled": true,
"anonymousAccess": false,
"evaluationOrder": 100,
"allowedAttributes": [
"usernameAttribute": null
Add a new service and save the result as /tmp/cas_service.json
$ cas-json-tool --new --input=cas_registry.json \
--name='My Service' \
--desc='This is a New Service' \
--pattern='https://example.org/** \
--url='https://example.org/index.php" \
--output=/tmp/cas_service.json \
--extraAttribute contactName='Eric Pierce' \
--extraAttribute contactEmail='[email protected]' \
--extraAttribute contactPhone='(555)555-5555' \
--extraAttribute contactDept='Information Technology'
$ cas-json-tool --search --input=/tmp/cas_service.json --name='^My Ser.*'
"enabled": true,
"ignoreAttributes": false,
"theme": "default",
"id": 2,
"extraAttributes": {
"contactPhone": [
"contactEmail": [
"[email protected]"
"contactName": [
"Eric Pierce"
"contactDept": [
"Information Technology"
"createdDate": "2012-11-02 09:05:36 -0500"
"allowedToProxy": false,
"serviceId": "https://example.org/**",
"description": "This is a New Service",
"name": "My Service",
"ssoEnabled": true,
"anonymousAccess": false,
"evaluationOrder": 100,
"allowedAttributes": [
"usernameAttribute": null
###Example: Modify an existing service, change the name and enable proxy ticket support. Over-write the input file
$ cas-json-tool --modify \
--input=/tmp/cas_service.json \
--id=2 \
--name="Updated Service" \
--enableProxy \
--output=/tmp/cas_service.json \
###Example: Create a new service with Role-Based Access Controls
$ cas-json-tool --new \
--name='My Service' \
--desc='This is a New Service' \
--pattern='https://example.org/**' \
--url='https://example.org/index.php' \
--output=/tmp/cas_service.json \
--extraAttribute contactName='Eric Pierce' \
--extraAttribute contactEmail='[email protected]' \
--extraAttribute contactPhone='555-555-5555' \
--authzName=eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation \
###Example: Create a new service with DuoSecurity MultiFactor Authentication
$ cas-json-tool --new \
--name='My Service' \
--desc='This is a New Service' \
--pattern='https://example.org/**' \
--url='https://example.org/index.php' \
--output=/tmp/cas_service.json \
--extraAttribute contactName='Eric Pierce' \
--extraAttribute contactEmail='[email protected]' \
--extraAttribute contactPhone='555-555-5555' \
--mfaAttr=useTwoFactor \
--mfaValue=CHECK_LIST \
--mfaUserAttr=twoFactorUsers \