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Releases: enerBit/redsumer-rs

Version v0.5.1 🦀

27 Nov 19:55
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What's New 💜

  • ⚡ Implement belongs_to_me() in IsStillMineReply to verify if the message is still in consumer pending list. Function is_still_mine() was deprecated. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement Doc Tests in CI pipeline. By @JMTamayo.


  • 🚀 Unify Unit Tests and Coverage steps in CI pipeline. By @JMTamayo.
  • 🚀 Making the Checkout step the first step in the pipeline to ensure that the code is available prior to the execution of the CI flow. By @JMTamayo.
  • 🚀 Apply all steps for workspace in CI pipeline. By @JMTamayo.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1

Version v0.5.0 🦀

31 Oct 18:35
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What's New 💜


  • ⚡ Implement Debug for ClientCredentials. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement CommunicationProtocol type to define Redis Protocol version. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement ClientArgs and RedisClientBuilder to build Redis Client. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement VerifyConnection trait and ping() function to verify connection to Redis Server. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement produce_from_map(), produce_from_items() and ProducerCommands in producer core module. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement ProducerConfig to manage the configuration parameters for Producer. Implement ClientArgs in Producer [BreakingChange]. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement ProduceMessageReply to handle the response from produce_from_map() and produce_from_items() functions in Producer. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement ConsumerConfig to manage the configuration parameters for Consumer. Implement ClientArgs in Consumer. Implement ReadNewMessagesOptions , ReadPendingMessagesOptions and ClaimMessagesOptions in ConsumerConfig [BreakingChange]. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement types LastDeliveredMilliseconds andTotalTimesDelivered to handle the response from the is_still_mine() core function. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement ConsumeMessagesReply to handle the response from consume() function in Consumer. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement AckMessageReply to handle the response from ack() function in Consumer. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Implement IsStillMineReply to handle the response from is_still_mine() function in Consumer. By @JMTamayo.
  • ⚡ Refactor in the import of library modules: The prelude, consumer, producer and client modules were implemented [BreakingChange]. By @JMTamayo.


  • 🚀 Rename RedsumerProducer to Producer [BreakingChange]. By @JMTamayo.
  • 🚀 Include minimum line coverage target as a env variable in CI pipeline. By @JMTamayo.


  • ❌ Remove FromRedisValueHandler from crate [BreakingChange]. By @JMTamayo.
  • ❌ Remove internal function get_redis_client() from client module. By @JMTamayo.
  • ❌ Remove step Upload coverage to Codecov from CI pipeline. By @JMTamayo.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.0

Version v0.4.1 🦀

13 Jun 16:30
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What's New 💜


  • 🛠 Fixing BUG reported in issue #15 with arguments in function xclaim.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1

Version v0.4.0 🦀

25 Apr 22:38
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What's New 💜


  • ⚡ Implementation of new types: RedsumerResult, RedsumerError and Id (Breaking change).
  • ⚡ Debug and Clone implementation in RedsumerProducer and RedsumerConsumer.
  • ⚡ The consumer configuration parameters were implemented directly in RedsumerConsumer (Breaking change).


  • 🛠 General refactoring of the package in order to improve performance.


  • 🚀 New project structure as workspace.
  • 🚀 Update dependencies and documentation.
  • 🚀 Library modules reorganization (Breaking change).
  • 🚀 FromRedisValueImplHandler was changed to FromRedisValueHandler (Breaking change).
  • 🚀 The produce_from_map method was replaced by the produce method in RedsumerProducer (Breaking change).
  • 🚀 The validate_pending_message_ownership method was replaced by is_still_mine in RedsumerConsumer (Breaking change).
  • 🚀 The acknowledge method was replaced by ack in RedsumerConsumer (Breaking change).
  • 🚀 The consume method was refactored in RedsumerConsumer in order to implement a new consumption methodology that allows scalability in distributed systems. To understand this new implementation in detail, take a look at the project


  • ❌ The module was removed from the project: StreamInfo and StreamConsumersInfo implementations were removed (Breaking change).
  • ❌ RedsumerConsumerOptions was removed (Breaking change).
  • ❌ The produce_from_items method was removed from RedsumerProducer (Breaking change).

What's Changed

  • 🧑‍💻 v0.4.0 by @JMTamayo in #11
  • 🧑‍💻 Fixing references to README and LICENSE in Cargo.toml in v0.4.0 by @JMTamayo in #13

Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.4.0

Version v0.3.3 🦀

26 Jan 02:51
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What's New 💜

  • ⚡ Implementation of FromRedisValueImplHandler struct that includes some functions to unwrap redis::Value into general types by implementing redis::from_redis_value.
  • ⚡Refactoring of the RedsumerClient::get_connection(...) function as a synchronous method.
  • ⚡Removal of the default implementation for RedsumerConsumerOptions in order to implement mandatory definition of consumer configuration parameters from the client side.
  • ⚡Unit testing implementation for types module. Refactoring of unit tests for RedsumerProducer and RedsumerConsumer to adjust synchronous methods and new RedsumerConsumerOptions model.
  • ⚡ Implementation of CI configuration files using Github Actions.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3

Version v0.3.2 🦀

19 Dec 00:59
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What's New 💜

  • ⚡Traits implementation to get information from Redis stream using RedsumerConsumer or RedsumerProducer.
  • ⚡Function implementation in RedsumerConsumer to get stream messages ownership.
  • ⚡Traits, structs and function implementations from Redis crate to improve error handling and to improve the experience of unwrap values from stream message.
  • ⚡Unit testing implementation.

What's Changed