The current implementation is written in Python 3
- numpy
- nibabel
- matplotlib
- scipy
- skimage
- joblib
- multiprocessing
- progressbar2
- joypy
- pandas
- tabulate
Open a terminal and write:
$ python -h
usage: [-h] --path_to_folder PATH_TO_FOLDER --input INPUT --mask MASK --denoise {TV2D,TV3D,None} [--reg_param REG_PARAM] --savefig {yes,no} --savefig_slice SAVEFIG_SLICE
[--numcores NUMCORES]
Myelin Water Imaging
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path_to_folder PATH_TO_FOLDER
Path to the folder where the data is located, e.g., /home/Datasets/T2spiral/
--input INPUT Input data, e.g., Data.nii.gz
--mask MASK Brain mask, e.g., Mask.nii.gz
--denoise {TV2D,TV3D,None}
Denoising method
--reg_param REG_PARAM
Regularization parameter for TV denoising
--savefig {yes,no} Save reconstructed maps in .png
--savefig_slice SAVEFIG_SLICE
Axial slice to save reconstructed maps, e.g., --Slice=90
--numcores NUMCORES Number of cores used in the computation: -1 = all cores
For more details see the example script: 🎁 We included some optional pre- and post-processing steps using FSL (
- Brain extraction for obtaining the brain mask (i.e., bet, FSL)
- Bias-field correction of the estimated proton density map, and segmentation to obtain WM, GM, and CSF probabilistic tissue-maps (i.e., fast, FSL)
The software will save the following metrics derived from the three-compartment model:
- MWF.nii.gz: Myelin Water Fraction
- IEWF.nii.gz: Intra- and Extra-cellular Water Fraction
- FWF.nii.gz: Free and quasi-free Water Fraction (i.e., T2 > 200ms)
- T2_M.nii.gz: T2 of the myelin water.
- T2_IE.nii.gz: T2 of the intra- and extra-cellular water
- K_global.nii.gz: It is proportional to the Proton density (i.e., total water content)
- Predicted_Data4D.nii.gz: Predicted signal
T2prep Three-Dimensional Spiral Imaging with Efficient Whole Brain Coverage for Myelin Water Quantification at 1.5 Tesla Thanh D. Nguyen, Cynthia Wisnieff, Mitchell A. Cooper, Dushyant Kumar, Ashish Raj, Pascal Spincemaille, Yi Wang, Tim Vartanian, and Susan A. Gauthier Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67:614–621 (2012)
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Whole Brain Myelin Water Mapping in 4 Minutes Using Fast Acquisition with Spiral Trajectory and Adiabatic T2prep (FAST-T2) at 3T Thanh D. Nguyen, Kofi Deh, Elizabeth Monohan, Sneha Pandya, Pascal Spincemaille, Ashish Raj, Yi Wang, and Susan A. Gauthier Magn Reson Med. 2016 August ; 76(2): 456–465. doi:10.1002/mrm.25877.
Suppression of MRI Truncation Artifacts Using Total Variation Constrained Data Extrapolation Kai Tobias Block, Martin Uecker, and Jens Frahm International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2008, Article ID 184123, doi:10.1155/2008/184123
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