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@echophon echophon released this 13 Sep 00:26
· 2 commits to master since this release

CHANGED KEY2 to shift +KEY2 - randomize all
ADDED KEY1 - shift
ADDED shift + KEY3 - randomize focus
ADDED KEY2 cycles parameter focus
ADDED display text of parameter under edit

NEW - boundary ops. new behaviors when a mote crosses a boundary threshold

  • wrap - default behavior, wraps to opposite side of screen
  • wrap half - wraps to halfway / midpoint of screen
  • bounce - reverses direction
  • random - wraps to a random point on the axis of travel

NEW - random ops. more fine tuned options for randomization

  • default - random xpos, ypos, & y movement, stops any x movement
  • xpos - just the x position
  • ypos - just the y position
  • xypos - just the x & y position
  • xmove - just the x-axis momentum
  • ymove - just the y-axis momentum
  • xymove - x&y momentum

Menu items to randomize & reset (no motion and even distribution)