Initialize or New Struct with default value
go get
`def:"-100"` // support only signed integer
// support hexadecimal, octal, binary
`def:"0xff"` // hexadecimal
`def:"0xFF"` // hexadecimal
`def:"0o77"` // octal
`def:"0b11001111"` // binary
// `def:"{real part},{imaginary part}"`
// calling time.ParseDuration
`def:"1h"` // 1 * time.Hour
`def:"now"` // time.Now()
`def:"+1h"` // time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour)
`def:"-1h"` // time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour)
- Nested Struct
type Parent struct {
Name string `def:"Parent Struct"`
OneChild Child `def:"dive"`
TwoChild Child `def:"dive"`
type Child struct {
Key string `def:"unknown"`
Number int `def:"-1"`
- Pointer of type
type Parent struct {
Name *string `def:"Parent Struct"`
OneChild *Child `def:"dive"`
TwoChild *Child `def:"dive"`
type Child struct {
Key *string `def:"unknown"`
Number *int `def:"-1"`
- Array
type Sample struct {
Arr [3]int `def:"dive,-1"` // [-1, -1, -1]
- Slice
type Sample struct {
// `def:"dive({length},{capacity(optional)}),{value}"`
Sli []int `def:"dive(5),-1"` // [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
//cap(SliWithCap) == 7
SliWithCap []NestedSample `def:"dive(3,7),dive"` // [{nested struct},{nested struct},{nested struct}]
type NestedSample struct {
Name string `def:"nested struct"`
- Map
type Sample struct {
DiveMap map[string]*Struct `def:"dive{\"john doe\":dive,\"some one\":dive,\"key\":dive}"`
"john doe": &{who?},
"some one": &{who?},
"key": &{who?}
StructKeyMap map[*Struct]bool `def:"dive{dive:true,dive:false,dive:true}"`
&{who?}: true,
&{who?}: false,
&{who?}: true
DiveNestedMap map[string]map[*Struct]bool `def:"dive{\"key1\":dive{dive:true,dive:false},\"key2\":dive{dive:false,dive:false}}"`
"key1": {
&{who?}: true,
&{who?}: false
"key2": {
&{who?}: false,
&{who?}: false
Struct struct {
Name string `def:"who?"`
- Json
type Sample struct {
Arr [3]int `def:"[1,2,3]"` // [1,2,3]
Sli []string `def:"[\"slice 1\",\"slice 2\"]"` // [slice 1,slice 2]
Map map[string]interface{} `def:"{\"key1\":123,\"key2\":\"value\",\"nested map\":{\"key\":\"val\"}}"`
"nested map":{
Nested NestedSample `def:"{\"displayName\":\"nested struct type\"}"` // {nested struct type}
PtrNested *NestedSample `def:"{\"displayName\":\"nested struct pointer type\"}"` // &{nested struct pointer type}
type NestedSample struct {
Name string `json:"displayName"`
- Function
import (
type Person struct {
Age int `def:"20"`
Name string `def:"hellp"`
var p Person
if err := def.Init(&p); err != nil {
// error handle
fmt.Println(p) //out: {20 hellp}
If you got error, the next field of struct will not be initialized.
if err := def.Init(&p); err != nil {
// error handle
Even though it has an error, It will try to initialize all fields. And you can know that error field of struct.
if err := def.JustInit(&p); err != nil {
justErr := err.(*def.ErrorJustInit)
// error handle
It isn't return error. but it will be panic when you has an error.
def.MustInit(&p) // hasn't return error.
If you got error, it will be return nil.
i, err := def.New(Person{})
if err != nil {
// error handle
} else {
p := i.(*Person)
fmt.Println(p) //out: &{20 hellp}
Even though it has an error, It must return pointer of struct with error.
i, err := def.JustNew(Person{})
if err != nil {
justErr := err.(*def.ErrorJustInit)
// error handle
p := i.(*Person)
fmt.Println(p) //out: &{20 hellp}
It isn't return error. but it will be panic when you has an error.
p := def.MustNew(Person{}).(*Person) // hasn't return error.
fmt.Println(p) //out: &{20 hellp}