XMPP based chat with both bouncycastle and java encryption systems
- bcprov-ext-jdk15on-152.jar (bouncycastle)
- smack-3.2.2.jar (XMPP)
- smackx-3.2.1.jar (XMPP)
- sun.misc.BASE64Decoder.jar (string-byte conversion)
The chat is made in the console and it has a very [basic] implementation of an XMPP chat. There is still a lot of things that can be improved in the security mechanisms. It uses self-signed public key certificates (X509) from bouncycastle that are deprecated.
- Deploy in a good platform
- Use better mechanism for nonces
- Use better mechanism for initialization vector of CBT
- Change the certificate mechanism
- Change symmetric key size (currently 128bit due to java policies)
- Implement certificate storage