Now that we have that out of the way, you'll find poorly written code here, but it will work (well, it worked when I commited it.) You may find value in some of the projects I've created here, if so I'm glad to have helped out, even if only a bit.
RadioNerd - This was my project to scrape iHeartRadio local stations, and create tables of which songs were most recently played, and how often those songs are played.
GrafanaSystemLoginFailures - This is my project that uses Grafana to graph how often I have skidz attempt to bruteforce my Linux server.
🔭 I’m currently working on: Becoming better at my job, where I work with a team of Platform Engineers, automating and generally improving things.
🌱 I’m currently learning: More about Neo4J, Kafka, ElasticSearch and whatever else they need at work.
💬 Ask me about: I've been a lifelong Angler, and just started kayak fishing. It's incredibly relaxing and would definitely recommend, I'd love to connect with others of the same interest.
⚡ Fun facts: I used to be a Welder... I have slid down the emergency exit chute of a commercial jet... My spirit animal is the Turtle.