This repo provides code for the Evolutionary Stochastic Policy Distillation [arXiv paper]
A self imitation algorithm called ESPN is proposed to solve the goal-conditioned reward sparse tasks. ESPN learns a target policy efficiently from a series of its stochastic variants in a supervised learning manner. Experiments on the MuJuCo robotics control suite show its superior performance over baseline Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) and evolution strategies (ES).
The only dependencies are pytorch, gym and mujoco.
The paper results can be reproduced by calling the directly, e.g.,
To change the environment, users can just change the --env-name from one of 'FetchPush-v1','FetchSlide-v1', and 'FetchPickAndPlace-v1'.
The result of PCHID can be reproduced based on this codebase by progressively increase the hyper-parameter Horizon from 1 to K. As our ablation studies have shown in the paper, using Horizon = 8 can always achieve relatively high performance. Therefore PCHID can be interpreted as a special case for ESPD, and its performance should be upper bounded by ESPD.
title={Evolutionary Stochastic Policy Distillation},
author={Sun, Hao and Pan, Xinyu and Dai, Bo and Lin, Dahua and Zhou, Bolei},
booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.12909},