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This is my custom Vim configuration which is really for MacVim. Use it if you want or don't.

I type DVORAK so some of my mappings may feel odd for you silly QWERTY people. I won't be taking any pull requests to change mappings (unless you have a really good case to prove me wrong).


Change to your root directory cd ~/ and then clone the repository.

git clone .vim

Install Vundle by typing git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle

Now use a symlink to point your .vimrc and .gvimrc files to the copies inside the .vim folder. Back up your .gvimrc and .vimrc files if you aren't sure you want to make the jump with me.

ln -s ~/.vim/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc && ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Now all your vim/gvim configs are done in .vim/.vimrc and .vim/.gvimrc.

Open vim and then type :BundleInstall which tells Vundle to install all the bundles defined in your Vim config.

There are a few dependencies that you'll need that don't come with the repository.

  1. Exuberant CTags - brew install ctags. If you don't have homebrew installed go get it
  2. Ack - brew install ack

Install Dependences on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags sudo apt-get install ack-grep

Problems with Git Commit Messages

On a Mac, if you're getting the message

error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi'.
Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.

when you try to create a Git commit message with Vim, the issue is an incorrect error code being returned.

You can fix this problem by running git config --global core.editor /usr/bin/vim


Pull the master branch for this repository then use the Vundle update command below.



Sane package management for Vim. No more submodules

Need this for CTRLP searching. Don't forget you need ACK installed on your computer as well.

Basic Usage :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directories}]
Example :Ack 'my_title_filter\(''

Ctrl+p or <leader>p in normal mode does project searching of files just like that fancy IDE you have around.

There is a custom ignore pattern in the .vimrc file for directories that I usually ignore in projects.

Makes alignment smart and easy.

$args = array(
	'post_type' => 'portfolio',
	'posts_per_page' => -1,

Given the code above highlight it all then type :A => to get the results below.

$args = array(
	'post_type'      => 'portfolio',
	'posts_per_page' => -1,

Will also work with other symbols like =.

The default mapping for Align is :Align $symbol. I type that wrong way to much so here it's mapped to :A $symbol to cut down the typing needed.

According to the README on the project this is orgasmic commenting. What that means practically for you is given the code below:

function something( $var ){

} // something

You can be on the first line and type <leader>ci to toggle the comment state of the first line.

Lots more information in the documentation on the project so go read it.

File browser bar on the side of your editor.

<leader>n toggles the file browser.

Shortcuts inside NERDTree
I: Toggle hidden files
?: Toggle NERD Tree's quick help
m: Show the NERD Tree menu
t: Open the selected file in a new tab
R: Refresh the tree, useful if files change outside of Vim
i: Open the selected file in a horizontal split window
s: Open the selected file in a vertical split window

I've added a custom ignore pattern for files often in my WordPress projects that I don't actually want to see in NERDTree like all the debug-bar* plugins.

Allows you to make docblocks fast. Here it's mapped to d. I don't currently having it using Utlsnip templates but will look in to it in the future.

PDV requires vmustache for it's internal templating engine.

Syntax highlighting that's better. Will show you PHP errors with >> in the side of your editor.

My prefered colour scheme set to dark mode and will be the colour for terminal vim and MacVim if you're using it.

If you're running in iTerm 2 (like me) then you need to download the Solarized Scheme and then import it. Proper directions can be found in the readme here.

LESS syntax for Vim

Markdown highlighting for Vim

Adds a bunch of awesome WordPress specific functions like support for actions/filters in goto definitions.

Check out the repository above to see the power that's now at your finger tips.

WordPress wants tabs up front and spaces for alignment in the middle of the line. Smart Tabs does this for us.

Light weight status line for Vim.

Bring some more Git goodness right in Vim.

Setting up Ctags

Ctags are very powerful but always feel like dark magic. There are a few steps to generate ctags.

First: Start by changing directory cd to the top level of your project which should be at the same level of your wp-config.php. Now type ctags --tag-relative -Rf.git/tags --exclude=node_modules --exclude=.git --languages=-javascript,sql. That will:

  • recursively generate your tags
  • write the file inside your .git directory, so it is automatically read by Vim Fugitive
  • ignore all files in the node_modules folder when generating tags
  • ignore all files in the .git directory folder when generating tags

Second: Generate tags again after some changes. I'm told that you can get your tags generating for yourself on a git hook but I've had trouble which probably has more to do with my bash skills than anything. Here is the issue for me to figure it out and the link to the tutorial on setting it up. You may actually look at this awesome project to enhance git and get the generated CTags working.

Once, this command is run re-open your files in Vim and completion (using Ctrl+p or Tab) should use the tags generated information.


My WordPress vim config






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