Before build you need to make a few changes:
- Update FACTORY_ADDRESS in Algebra/src/utils/constants.ts
- Update USDC_WMatic_03_POOL, WHITELIST_TOKENS and STABLE_COINS in Algebra/src/utils/pricing.ts, through which the price in usd will be calculated.
- Depending on the order of the tokens in the pool, you must set the requred price( token0Price/token1Price) in Algebra/src/utils/pricing.ts#L41
- You can also set the required number of native tokens in the pool to include it when calculating prices by changing MINIMUM_Matic_LOCKED in Algebra/src/utils/pricing.ts
- Update network, startBlock and addresses in subgraph.yaml
After that you need to run:
$ yarn
$ yarn codegen
$ yarn build
For deploy you need to run:
$ yarn graph deploy --node --ipfs --access-token <access-token> <graph-name> subgraph.yaml
Before build you need to make a few changes:
Update FarmingCenterAddress in AlgebraFarming/src/utils/constants.ts Update network, startBlock and addresses in subgraph.yaml
After that you need to run:
$ yarn
$ yarn codegen
$ yarn build
For deploy you need to run:
$ yarn graph deploy --node --ipfs --access-token <access-token> <graph-name> subgraph.yaml