MyBnB is a travelling tool that allows renters to find Home away from Home by booking listings managed by Hosts. It is implemented using React as its frontend, Java as its backend and MySQL as the database, connected using JDBC driver.
- fixed base price for listings but editable special prices, this decision is to satisfy the condition that the price change can only change on days that the listing is available
- unable to browse unless logged in as a Renter
- only renters can book listings
- types are restricted to just 4 (apartment, full house, private room, shared room)
- amenities are restricted to 10 (Pool Access, Gym Access, Wifi, Kitchen, Washer, Dryer, Pets allowed, Bathtub, First-aid kit, Step-free entryway, Accessible bathroom)
- Country is not functionally dependent on city (ex: Waterloo, Canada and Waterloo, Belgium)
- City and Country is not functionally dependent on Postal Code as the Postal Code system is not unique worldwide
- Address is not functionally dependent on Latitude and Longitude due to possibility of same latitude and longitude values but different address (ex: Same apartment but different unit number)
- sample data was often tweaked to provide more variety in filtering so database was often deleted and reinitialized
- initially attempted to use Spring Boot however due to time constraint and lack of technical knowledge, we opted to using a HttpServer in Java after 2-3 days attempting of learning Spring Boot
- connecting react requests to the Java HttpServer Endpoints for the first time took some time due to React configurations
User Manual:
Install mySQL and set up root account with username: root and password: 12345
run initalize ddl files to set up the database with its tables then run the sample data file to fill the database
Run the Backend Java folder with a Java IDE such as Eclipse which will start the server at port 8080
Run the frontend React Server by initially running npm install to handle dependencies and npm start to boot up the frontend
Start browsing through MyBnB by either signup up or logging in as a Renter or as a Host
How to get Reports (All Requests are POST requests and tested using Postman):
Report 1: We would like to run a report and provide the total number of bookings in a specific date range by city.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportA with body of "start" for start date, "end" for end date, "city" for city
- note that date is in YYYY-MM-DD format
Report 2: We would like to run a report and provide the total number of bookings in a specific date range by a Zip code within a city.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportB with body of "start" for start date, "end" for end date, "city" for city
- note that date is in YYYY-MM-DD format
Report 3: We would like to run a report and provide the total number of listings per country.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportC with body of "country" for country
Report 4: We would like to run a report and provide the total number of listings per country and city.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportD with body of "country" for country, "city" for city
Report 5: We would like to run a report and provide the total number of listings per country and city, zip.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportE with body of "country" for country, "city" for city, "postal_code" for zip
Report 6: We would like to rank the hosts by the total number of listings they have overall per country
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportF with body of "country" for country
Report 7: We would like to rank the hosts by the total number of listings they have overall per city
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportG with body of "city" for city
Report 8: For every city and country a report should provide the hosts that have a number of listings that is more than 10% of the number of listings in that city and country. This is a query that identifies the possible commercial hosts, something that the system should flag and prohibit.
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportH with body of "city" for city, "country" for country
Report 9: We would also like to rank the renters by the number of bookings in a specific time period
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportI with body of "start" for start date, "end" for end date
Report 10: We would also like to rank the renters by the number of bookings in a specific time period per city
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportJ with body of "start" for start date, "end" for end date, "city" for city
Report 11: We would also like to report renter involved in the most number of cancellatons
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportK with empty body
Report 12: We would also like to report hosts involved in the most number of cancellatons
- found by sending a request to http://localhost:8080/mybnb/reportL with empty body
System Limitations:
Frequently crashes when adding new special price or new unavailability as a Host for their respective listing, but running refresh immediately fixes it (temporarily)
No Input validation therefore entering NULL values or misformatted values may cause web app to crash due to failed database operations
Final report about common noun phrases in comments is not fully implemented due to time constraint
No real way to update 'upcoming' listings to completed real time
Future Improvement:
Encryption of password for better privacy and protection
Image file system implemented so listings are more attractive especially to first time Renters
Proper Input validation in forms to prevent web app crashing due to failed database operations
Full implementation of reports specified
Implement a method to update status of listings from 'upcoming' to 'completed' real time
Implement a method to convert user inputted address to longitude and latitude for the explore page filters