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Code simplification and extra tests
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camsaul committed Aug 19, 2020
1 parent b5fe7c6 commit b0533ee
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Showing 4 changed files with 253 additions and 153 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .dir-locals.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(require-final-newline . t)))
(clojure-mode . ((cljr-favor-prefix-notation . nil))))
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
(defproject riddley "0.2.0"
(defproject riddley "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "code-walking without caveats"
:license {:name "MIT License"
:url ""}
:url ""}
:dependencies []
:plugins [[lein-codox "0.9.4"]]
:codox {:src-dir-uri ""
:codox {:src-dir-uri ""
:src-linenum-anchor-prefix "L"
:defaults {:doc/format :markdown}
:include [riddley.walk riddley.compiler]
:output-dir "doc"}
:profiles {:provided {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]}}
:defaults {:doc/format :markdown}
:include [riddley.walk riddley.compiler]
:output-dir "doc"}
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.10.0"]]
:injections [(require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
:java-source-paths ["src/riddley"]
:javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6"])
:javac-options ["-target" "1.7" "-source" "1.7"])
297 changes: 174 additions & 123 deletions src/riddley/walk.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,101 @@
(ns riddley.walk
(:refer-clojure :exclude [macroexpand])
[riddley.compiler :as cmp]))
[riddley.compiler :as cmp]))

(declare macroexpand)

(defn merge-meta
"If `form` can have metadata, merge other `metadatas` into its metadata. Keys in `form`'s metadata are preferred over
those in `metadatas`.
(meta (merge-meta {} {:a 1})) ;-> {:a 1}
(meta (merge-meta nil {:a 1})) ;-> nil
(meta (merge-meta (with-meta {} {:a 2}) {:a 1, :b 1})) ;-> {:a 2, :b 1}"
[form & metadatas]
(cond-> form
(instance? clojure.lang.IObj form) (vary-meta (apply partial merge metadatas))))

(defn- head=
"True if `form` is list-like and the first element is `x`.
(head= '(a b c) 'a) ;-> true"
[form x]
(and (seq? form)
(= (first form) x)))

(defn inline-fn
"If `form` represents a call to a function that will be replaced with an inlined version by the compiler, returns the
`:inline` function used to create the replacement form; otherwise returns `nil`.
(inline-fn '(+ 1 2)) ; -> #function[clojure.core/nary-inline/fn--5541]
(inline-fn '(+ 1 2)) ; -> nil"
(when (and (seq? form)
(not (::transformed (meta form))))
(let [[fn-symbol & args] form]
(when (symbol? fn-symbol)
;; a function is inlineable if it has an `:inline` function in its metadata, and, if it has an
;; `:inline-arities` function in its metadata, returns truthy when passed the number of args in this form
(let [{:keys [inline inline-arities]} (meta (resolve fn-symbol))]
(when (and inline
(or (not inline-arities)
(inline-arities (count args))))

(defn expand-inline-fn
"Expand an inline function call `form` into the inlined version."
(expand-inline-fn form nil))

([form special-form?]
(let [inline-fn (or (inline-fn form)
(throw (ex-info "Form is not an inlineable function call." {:form form})))
expanded (with-meta (apply inline-fn (rest form)) (meta form))]
;; unfortunately, static function calls can look a lot like what we just
;; expanded, so prevent infinite expansion
(if (head= expanded '.)
(concat (butlast expanded) [(merge-meta (last expanded) {::transformed true})])
(meta expanded))

(defn- expand-list-like
"Expand a list-like `form`."
(expand-list-like form nil))

([[head :as form] special-form?]
(if (or (and special-form? (special-form? head))
(contains? (cmp/locals) head))
;; might look like a macro, but for our purposes it isn't
;; otherwise attempt to macroexpand
(let [expanded (macroexpand-1 form)]
(not (identical? form expanded))
(macroexpand expanded special-form?)

;; if we can't macroexpand any further, check if it's an inlined function
(inline-fn expanded)
(expand-inline-fn expanded special-form?)


(defn macroexpand
"Expands both macros and inline functions. Optionally takes a `special-form?` predicate which
identifies first elements of expressions that shouldn't be macroexpanded, and honors local
(macroexpand x nil))
([x special-form?]
(if (seq? x)
(let [frst (first x)]

(if (or
(and special-form? (special-form? frst))
(contains? (cmp/locals) frst))

;; might look like a macro, but for our purposes it isn't

(let [x' (macroexpand-1 x)]
(if-not (identical? x x')
(macroexpand x' special-form?)

;; if we can't macroexpand any further, check if it's an inlined function
(if-let [inline-fn (and (seq? x')
(symbol? (first x'))
(-> x' meta ::transformed not)
(-> x' first resolve meta :inline-arities not)
((-> x' first resolve meta :inline-arities)
(count (rest x'))))
(-> x' first resolve meta :inline))]
(let [x'' (with-meta (apply inline-fn (rest x')) (meta x'))]
;; unfortunately, static function calls can look a lot like what we just
;; expanded, so prevent infinite expansion
(if (= '. (first x''))
(concat (butlast x'')
[(if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj (last x''))
(with-meta (last x'')
(meta (last x''))
{::transformed true}))
(last x''))])
(meta x''))
"Expands both macros and inline functions. Optionally takes a `special-form?` predicate which identifies first
elements of expressions that shouldn't be macroexpanded, and honors local bindings."
(macroexpand form nil))

([form special-form?]
(if-not (seq? form)
(expand-list-like form special-form?)))))


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,23 +216,31 @@
(let [[_ type var & body] x]
(when var
(cmp/register-arg (with-meta var (merge (meta var) {:tag type}))))
(cmp/register-arg (vary-meta var assoc :tag type)))
(list* 'catch type var
(doall (map f body))))))

(defn- try-handler [f x]
(let [[_ & body] x]
(list* 'try (doall (map #(f % :try-clause? true) body)))))

(defn- dot-handler [f x]
(let [[_ hostexpr mem-or-meth & remainder] x]
(list* '.
(f hostexpr)
(if (seq? mem-or-meth)
(list* (first mem-or-meth)
(doall (map f (rest mem-or-meth))))
(f mem-or-meth))
(doall (map f remainder)))))
(defn- dot-handler
"Handle java interop forms."
[f [_ class-or-instance & more]]
;; form is either of the syntax
;; (. class-or-instance method & args)
;; or
;; (. class-or-instance (method & args))
;; both syntaxes are possible and equivalent
(if (seq? (first more))
;; (. class-or-instance (method & args))
(let [[[method & args]] more]
(list '. (f class-or-instance) (cons method (doall (map f args)))))
;; (. class-or-instance method & args)
(let [[method & args] more]
(list* '. (f class-or-instance) method (doall (map f args))))))

(defn walk-exprs
"A walk function which only traverses valid Clojure expressions. The `predicate` describes
Expand All @@ -206,71 +258,70 @@
The :try-clause? option indicates that a `try` clause is being walked. The special forms
`catch` and `finally` are only special in `try` clauses."
([predicate handler x]
(walk-exprs predicate handler nil x))
(walk-exprs predicate handler nil x))

([predicate handler special-form? x & {:keys [try-clause?]}]
(let [x (try
(macroexpand x special-form?)
(catch ClassNotFoundException _
walk-exprs' (partial walk-exprs predicate handler special-form?)
x' (cond

(and (seq? x) (= 'var (first x)) (predicate x))
(handler (eval x))

(and (seq? x) (= 'quote (first x)) (not (predicate x)))

(predicate x)
(handler x)

(seq? x)
(if (or (and (not try-clause?)
(#{'catch 'finally} (first x)))
(not (contains? special-forms (first x))))
(doall (map walk-exprs' x))
((condp = (first x)
'do do-handler
'def def-handler
'fn* fn-handler
'let* let-handler
'loop* let-handler
'letfn* letfn-handler
'case* case-handler
'try try-handler
'catch catch-handler
'reify* reify-handler
'deftype* deftype-handler
'. dot-handler
#(doall (map %1 %2)))
walk-exprs' (special-meta x)))

(instance? java.util.Map$Entry x)
(walk-exprs' (key x))
(walk-exprs' (val x)))

(set? x)
(vector? x))
(into (empty x) (map walk-exprs' x))

(instance? clojure.lang.IRecord x)

(map? x)
(into (empty x) (map walk-exprs' x))

;; special case to handle clojure.test
(and (symbol? x) (-> x meta :test))
(vary-meta x update-in [:test] walk-exprs')

(if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj x')
(with-meta x' (merge (meta x) (meta x')))
(let [x (try
(macroexpand x special-form?)
(catch ClassNotFoundException _
walk-exprs' (partial walk-exprs predicate handler special-form?)
x' (cond

(and (head= x 'var) (predicate x))
(handler (eval x))

(and (head= x 'quote) (not (predicate x)))

(predicate x)
(handler x)

(seq? x)
(if (or (and (not try-clause?)
(#{'catch 'finally} (first x)))
(not (contains? special-forms (first x))))
(doall (map walk-exprs' x))
((condp = (first x)
'do do-handler
'def def-handler
'fn* fn-handler
'let* let-handler
'loop* let-handler
'letfn* letfn-handler
'case* case-handler
'try try-handler
'catch catch-handler
'reify* reify-handler
'deftype* deftype-handler
'. dot-handler
#(doall (map %1 %2)))
walk-exprs' (special-meta x)))

(instance? java.util.Map$Entry x)
(walk-exprs' (key x))
(walk-exprs' (val x)))

(set? x)
(vector? x))
(into (empty x) (map walk-exprs' x))

(instance? clojure.lang.IRecord x)

(map? x)
(into (empty x) (map walk-exprs' x))

;; special case to handle clojure.test
(and (symbol? x) (-> x meta :test))
(vary-meta x update-in [:test] walk-exprs')

(merge-meta x' (meta x))))))


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