Just a couple of trial-and-error projects I made (and don't want to forget) while learning couple of spring-subproject I didn't use yet..
- project derived from official spring-ws tutorial (the Server part).
- mvn jetty-run friendly
- WSDL is autogenered by spring-ws. Its location: http://localhost:8080/spring-ws-server-wmocktests/holidayService/holiday.wsdl
- JUnit semi-integration test (starts up spring contexts, mocks "business" bean called by webservice endpoint using Mockito)
- simple webapp containing Spring MVC + Thymeleaf + simple SpringWS client (using JAXB2 marshalled objects)
- shared project containing just the XSD schema files & auto-generated JAXB2 classes for those XSD files
- manually-built XSD schema
- autogenerated JAXB2-beans