ZX Basic Studio is a project created and led by El Dr. Gusman, and is available at https://github.com/gusmanb/ZXBasicStudio.
We are ahppy to announce the first beta release of ZX Basic Studio. This is a work in progress but the development has reached a state in which we feel comfortable to release it to be tested by users. Expect bugs as this is a development build.
Documentation will come in the near future, but for now you can refer to the series of videos about ZX Basic by Briefer666
Have fun!
- Development team:
- El Dr. Gusman
- Duefectu
- AdolFITO
- HashIron
- SirRickster
- Icons from SVG REPO:
- Blivesta in MIT License
- Kde in GPL License
- Steve Schoger in PD License
- Thewolfkit in CC Attribution License
- Wishforge.games in CC Attribution License
- Zest in MIT License
- Mohamed Raouf in CC Attribution License