Type your markdown into the box on the left and immediately see if on the box on the right. If you send a friend a link to this URL you both can edit the document at the same time!
Type anything after the slash in "https://realtimemarkdown.herokuapp.com/" and just start typing. If you don't feel typing in the address bar, feel free to go to one of these markdown pads:
- https://realtimemarkdown.herokuapp.com/sample
- https://realtimemarkdown.herokuapp.com/my_project
- https://realtimemarkdown.herokuapp.com/whatever
This website uses the following to work:
- Showdown - Converts markdown text to beautiful HTML
- ShareJS - allows for realtime editing of this textbox
- Node.js - backend framework
- Redis - where we store our markdown documents
- Twitter Bootstrap - makes everything a little prettier