- Install Git.
- Install Ruby and RubyGems.
- Install Bundler.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/benmanns/digger.git
. - Enter the digger directory:
cd digger
. - Install dependencies with
bundle install
. - Run:
bin/digger.rb [server-ip] [server-port] [proxy-ip] [proxy-port]
(defaults localhost 25565 localhost 25564). - Connect Minecraft to your proxy address (default localhost:25564).
- Install Git.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/benmanns/digger.git
. - Enter the digger directory:
cd digger
. - Generate the dvi:
latex --output-directory doc README.tex
. - Generate the ps:
dvips -f doc/README.dvi -o doc/README.ps
. - Generate the pdf:
ps2pdf doc/README.ps doc/README.pdf
. - Open doc/README.pdf.
Github is also a SVN host, so this repository can be accessed without installing git via svn checkout https://svn.github.com/benmanns/digger.git digger