NACHA is a fixed sized record format used to represent financial transactions composed like this:
FileHeader CompanyBatchHeader EntryDetail EntryDetailAddendum ... ... CompanyBatchControl ... FileControl
which we express using bryl. Writing is done like this:
with open('sample.nacha', 'w') as fo:
writer = nacha.Writer(fo)
with writer.begin_file(
with writer.begin_company_batch(
Reading is done by iterating records like this:
with open('sample.nacha', 'r') as fo:
reader = Reader(fo, include_terminal=True)
for record, terminal in reader:
Or structured like this:
with open('sample.nacha', 'r') as fo:
reader = Reader(fo)
for company_batch_header in reader.company_batches():
for entry_detail, entry_addenda in reader.entries():
$ pip install nacha
$ git clone [email protected]:balanced/nacha.git
$ cd nacha
$ mkvirtualenv nacha
(nacha)$ pip install -e .[tests]
(nacha)$ py.test --cov=nacha --cov-report term-missing
Now that all tests are passing:
- Update
to new{version}
. - Commit that
git commit -am "Release v{version}"
- Tag it
git tag -a v{version} -v v{version}
- Push it
git push origin --tags
and travis will take it from there.