This is a private module and is not currently aimed at public usage.
The Augustash_Backend
module is our base structural module for August Ash functionality. It should be present on all installations.
Functionality provided by this module include:
- Basic configuration block to act as a home for other modules' sections and fields.
- Adds command other code to check if in admin
- Removes customer account links based on configuration.
- Removes the loading of some admin layout blocks to clean up the interface.
This module must be installed to use and to configure other August Ash modules. It can be uninstalled after all other August Ash modules are uninstalled.
Install the extension using Composer from our development package repository:
composer require augustash/module-backend
bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Augustash_Backend
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush