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Learning Track Outlines

Sarah White edited this page Apr 2, 2015 · 1 revision

When appropriate for a specific user group, we can create a learning track which contains a series of tutorials / achievements, in a logical order, that help the user learn what they’ll need to complete their goal. Learning tracks can build on other learning tracks. Tutorials (or parts of tutorials) can be reused in multiple learning tracks. Most of this content should be able to be rebuilt into the user manual.

Track and Tutorial Template

  • Track title (goal written as an action)

  • Track summary / learning objective

    • topic

    • accomplishment

    • technical cast (i.e., programming language, platform, etc)

    • capability

  • What you’ll learn

  • Tags

    • topic

    • level

  • Achievements (aka Tutorials) (written as an active phrase)

    • Achievement title

    • Achievement summary / learning objective

      • encouragement / reassurance

      • goal

    • Steps (written as an active phrase; lead up to arrive at the achievement; can start with foundations)

      • summary / learning objective

      • related reading & resources

      • exercise

View and Write a Basic AsciiDoc document (Track Title)

(Track Summary)

In this course, you will gain the skills to view and write an AsciiDoc document. We’ll become familiar with the Chrome and Firefox Asciidoctor plugins, and discover how to view an AsciiDoc document online. Then we’ll write, save, and view a basic AsciiDoc document. In the end, you should feel comfortable approaching any project containing AsciiDoc files.

(What you’ll learn)

What you’ll learn:

  • Identify AsciiDoc documents

  • Use GitHub to view an AsciiDoc document

  • Add the Chrome or Firefox plugin to your browser

  • Use the Chrome or Firefox browser plugin to view an AsciiDoc document

  • Write a basic AsciiDoc document

  • Save an AsciiDoc document

Level: beginner



Identifying an AsciiDoc file (Achievement 1 Title)

(Achievement 1 Summary)

An AsciiDoc file is identified by the file extension .adoc. In this stage, you’ll learn how to recognize an AsciiDoc file, where you’ll commonly find AsciiDoc files, and some of the tools you can use to view these files.

(Steps of Achievement 1)

  1. Recognizing an AsciiDoc file

  2. AsciiDoc files on GitHub

  3. AsciiDoc files on Gitlab

  4. AsciiDoc files xxx

  5. Raw AsciiDoc

  6. Tools to view AsciiDoc files

Viewing an AsciiDoc file on GitHub (Achievement 2 Title)

Adding the Asciidoctor plugin to Chrome

Adding the Asciidoctor plugin to Firefox