is a package for running differentially private statistical analysis for DataSHIELD (a platform for federated analysis of private data).
DataSHIELD is a platform in R for federated analysis of private data. DataSHIELD has a client-server architecture and this package has a client side and server side component.
The client side package is called
The server side package is called
You can install this library on your Opal Server with the following command:
# Connect with an administrator credential
opal = opal.login(url = "", user = "", password = "")
# If needed, remove the previous version of the package (for a fresh reinstall)
# dsadmin.remove_package(opal, pkg = "dsPrivacy", profile = "default")
# You can use `ref` to provide a custom branch
dsadmin.install_github_package(opal, pkg = "dsPrivacy", username = "arkhn", ref = "main", profile = "default")
On your client side, run the following:
devtools::install_github('arkhn/dsPrivacyClient', ref = "main")
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