This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 13, 2024. It is now read-only.
ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0
- [SCB-1370] - Support for in-process nested global transactions
- [SCB-2219] - Use Github secrets to configure snapshot deploy to Nexus authentication
- [SCB-2220] - Adding Github actions workflow status badge to
- [SCB-2223] - NEXUS's secret name is wrong
- [SCB-2248] - Update jacoco version 0.8.6 for Java 11
- [SCB-2397] - Add pack-dependencies module management dependencies
- [SCB-2421] - Migrate Spring-Boot from 2.1.X.RELEASE to 2.3.X.RELEASE
- [SCB-2192] - servicecomb-pack fails to build on ARM64
- [SCB-2227] - [UI] Property or field 'upTime' cannot be found on null
- [SCB-2231] - Github Actions only work on apache/servicecomb-pack
New Feature
- [SCB-275] - [pack] retry compensation on failure/timeout/crash
- [SCB-908] - TCC Events restful API
- [SCB-1467] - Provide API to let user integration transaction with their business
- [SCB-1510] - Add cluster metrics to the dashboard
- [SCB-2238] - FSM event channel supports Rabbit
- [SCB-2239] - [JDK11] Support JDK11 LTS
- [SCB-268] - [pack] compact events to remove unnecessary fields
- [SCB-277] - [pack] concurrent event processing issue
- [SCB-751] - The load balancer of Saga may be faced with peak problem.
- [SCB-798] - GrpcMessageSender uses aync send API
- [SCB-835] - Alpha should call the compensation method once it gets the abort event
- [SCB-990] - Support to lookup the Omega instance if the original instance is not exit
- [SCB-1003] - Support the transaction suspend and resume
- [SCB-1004] - Alpha has limit request rate protection
- [SCB-1006] - Support SagaEnd Callback invocation
- [SCB-1057] - check the TxEndedEvent is received before doing the compensate
- [SCB-1107] - Omega should send the compensation failure to alpha
- [SCB-1300] - Added the accept test of retry then recovery
- [SCB-1536] - Adapter fegin by spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 2.0.0
- [SCB-1583] - Polish ServiceComb Pack User document about kyro Usage
- [SCB-1596] - Support for defining OmegaContext parameters in @SagaStart and @Compensable methods
- [SCB-1618] - Add a JMS related Saga demo
- [SCB-1884] - Using Asciidoc to process the ServiceComb Pack docs
- [SCB-2203] - The version of Java (1.8.0_252) you have used to run this analysis is deprecated and stopped accepting it
- [SCB-2204] - Acceptance Tests Akka fails
- [SCB-2390] - ServiceComb Pack Support Mac M1
- [SCB-2392] - Upgrade the netty version to 4.1.74
- [SCB-2394] - The random error of AlphaIntegrationWithRandomPortTest
- [SCB-2395] - Upgrade Log4j version
- [SCB-2399] - Upgrade the fabric8 docker plugin to fix mac m1 issue
- [SCB-2438] - Upgrade spring-framework version to 5.2.20
- [SCB-2453] - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
- [SCB-2458] - Bump commons-io from 2.4 to 2.7
- [SCB-306] - [pack] acceptance tests with all the transaction scenarios
- [SCB-2222] - Unstable test cases on poor performance CI
- [SCB-2391] - Add more accept tests of TCC
- [SCB-1203] - Occasional failure TccLoadBalanceSenderTest.participateFailedThenRetry
- [SCB-2199] - Migrate travis-ci to github workflow
- [SCB-2205] - Polishing Github actions workflow
- [SCB-2275] - coveralls-maven-plugin fails on Java 11 - required class missing: DatatypeConverter
- [SCB-2368] - Introduce dependency check plugin to list the CVE related issues
- [SCB-2425] - Refactoring the Alpha module using Spring SPI
- [SCB-2459] - Upgrade the version of zstd-jni and lz4-java
- [SCB-2470] - Bump spring-cloud-function-core from 3.0.14.RELEASE to 3.1.7
- [SCB-2477] - Faster release with Maven CI Friendly Versions
- [SCB-2486] - Pack 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT Release Failed